Book title: Save Me a Seat Authors: Sarah Weeks and Gita Varadarajan Reviewed by: The book is an interesting middle-school story about the character development of Ravi and Joe. The basic storyline: Ravi and Joe go to the same school in America but they are quite differen...
Book title: Save Me a SeatAuthors: Sarah Weeks and Gita VaradarajanReviewed by:kidsmustread.comThe book is an interesting middle-school storyabout the character development of its maincharacters with cultural differences in anAmerican public schoo.The basic storyline:Ravi and Joe go tothe same sc...
Save Me a Seatby Sarah Weeks and Gita Varadarajan is a novel that pairs the points of view of two fifth grade boys, Ravi, a recent immigrant from India, and Joe, a local guy. Both have to deal with the same bully. The book alternates chapters between the two points of view, Ravi’...
My daughter and I did have our hair cut professionally, but each month I cut all four boys’ hair and before I let me hair go grayI used to color my own hair.The 20 minutes I spent cutting the boys’ hair once a month saved us $720 each year, which would be closer to $1100 a ...
B Book title: Save Me a Seat Authors: Sarah Weeks and Git a Varadarajan Reviewed by: The book is an interesting middle-school story about the character development of Ravi and Joe.The basic storyline:Ravi and Joe go to the same school in Americ a but they are quite di...
Book title: Save Me a Seat Authors: Sarah Weeks and Git a Varadarajan Reviewed by: The book is an interesting middle-school story about the character development of its main characters with cultural differences in an American public school.The basic story line:Ravi and Joe go...