•I’llgetataxifromthestationtosaveyouthetroubleofcomingtocollectme.我会从火车站乘 出租车,省得你费事来接我。 7. KEEPFORSB替某人保留 [T]tostoppeoplefromusingsomethingsothatitisavailableforsomeoneelse 〔为某人〕保留 •Willyousavemeaseat?给我留个座位好吗?
It’svery___youtohelpme. 3.你真聪明,解出了这道数学题 It’s___youtoworkoutthemathsproblem. 注意区别: Ofsb.的句型通常都可以转换为不定式作状语的句子,但forsb.句型不可以.如: 1.It’sveryniceofyoutooffermeaseat. =Youarenicetooffermeaseat. 2.Itiscarelessofhimtolosesomanythings. =Heiscarel...
I have to declare a personal interest in this issue: I vape myself. I had previously been using lozenges to help me stop smoking, and had been for a long time. It was worry about the effect they were having on my teeth that prompted me to look into alternatives. A huge amount of t...
7.KEEP FOR SB替某人保留Tto stop people from using something so that it is available for someone else为某人保留Will you save me a seat? 给我留个座位好吗?save sth for sbWell save some dinner for you if youre late. 你要是回来晚了,我们会给你留饭的。8.COMPUTER计算机I,Tto make a ...
A Novel Consent Document That Can Save Your Life <span style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" data-mce-type="bookmark" class="mce_SELRES_start"></span> Video Link Patients clearly need a way to put themselves back in the driver’s seat, ...
Before you know it, after four years of college, that savings account will be significant and that'll be such a great stepping stone moving into the post-college world." Grab a snack, take a seat, and open a fresh page of your notebook, because we're about to break down some easy ...
Give me a break!!>>><<<Yahoo! front page news one day later>>><<<MCD stock gets hammered 10/23/24Powerful Interview with Clementine Who is Now Detransitioning from Bodily Mutilation and Testerone TreatmentsPolish Politician Dominik Tarczynski ...
SEAT Pilots have been doing this type of drop for many years with much success. The Canadian Forest Service has actively tested and embraced the use of Gels. In 2009 in just the British Columbia Province well over 2,000,000 gallons of Gels were dropped from Helicopters. The Canadian Forest...
Those who are reading this, please educate your fellow brethren that the system cannot assign a seat in eternity nor even guarantee any. We all came to this world individually and individually we have to meet our creator back. So our close walk with Jesus matters. Not the system. ...
e.g. You are so rude not even to stir from your seat when I called you. 我叫你时,你竟坐着动也没动,太无礼了。 e.g. The legend stirred the girl’s imagination. 那个传说激起了女孩子的想像力。 e.g. Give the broth a stir. 把肉汤搅一搅。 e.g. His speech has caused a stir in...