存储基本对象 SaveGame.Save<int>("int",2);intt=SaveGame.Load<int>("int");SaveGame.Save<float>("float",2.0f);floatf=SaveGame.Load<float>("float");SaveGame.Save<string>("string","2");string s=SaveGame.Load<string>("string");Dictionary<int,string>dic=newDictionary<int,string>();di...
unityfilesystemgame-developmentunity3dunity-scriptssavegameunity-assetsavesave-and-load UpdatedJun 24, 2024 C# rejemy/UltraLiteDB Star223 A bare-bones C# .NET Key-value Store in a single database file for Unity embeddeddatabasenosqlunitykey-valueunity3dsavegamesave-files ...
How to serialize and save a GameObject in Unity I have a game where the player picks up a weapon and it is then placed as the GameObject variable to my player called "MainHandWeapon" and I am trying to save that weapon through scene changes so I am trying to save it. How I handle ...
Every assetmoderated by Unity 1/13 Save Game Pro is a complete, powerful, and feature-rich save game solution for Unity (Game Engine) that lets you save everything everywhere. Description Werecommendnew users to useBayat - Save Systeminstead, cause Save Game Pro will be in maintenance mode ...
Save Game Pro A Complete and Powerful Save Game Solution Introduction Save Game Prois a complete, powerful and feature-rich save game solution forUnity (Game Engine)that lets you save everything such as Components, Data Types, GameObjects including Custom Data Types at everywhere including Web &...
// 云读档voidGetDataCloud(){transform.localScale=Vector3.zero;// 先隐藏球体,防止异步更新位置 导致球体位置闪烁StartCoroutine(LoadEnumerator());}// http://localhost.charlesproxy.com:3000 映射到 http://localhost:3000// 防止 charles 抓不到 unity 的请求包IEnumeratorSaveEnumerator(){SaveGameWeb web=...
Every assetmoderated by Unity 1/1 An Easy and Simple to use Save system that lets you save your game data in JSON, XML, and Binary format and encrypt them using secure algorithms to prevent cheats and hacks. Description Documentation|GitHub|Forum Thread ...
unity预设 svn丢失脚本 unity save 在Unity中首先创建一个Save脚本,用于保存游戏中相关的信息,在这里我存储的是游戏中怪物的位置以及类型、游戏射击总数量、游戏得分等数据,Save脚本的代码如下(这个脚本是不能挂在在场景中的游戏物体上,因为这个类没有继承自MonoBehaviour行为类):...
How do I save my game data? – 來自我們 FAQ 清單的問題。點入以得到快速回覆,以及其他 Nutaku 相關問題
格式:unity3d 文件体积 :6m 下载量 :2 爱给网提供海量的Unity3D模型专辑资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为unity3d 格式的游戏数据保存插件(Save Game Pro - Gold Update 2.8.4), 本站编号45543096, 该Unity3D模型专辑素材大小为6m, 该素材已被下载:2次, 更多精彩Unity3D模型专辑素材,尽在爱给网。