There would be situations when one have to send/distribute a docker image there in a docker machine - in that situation one can save the docker image to a tar.gz file and distribute. This is a step by step guide to save an image from a docker node. ...
Dockerfile是由一系列命令和参数构成的脚本,一个Dockerfile里面包含了构建整个image的完整命令。Docker通过docker build执行Dockerfile中的一系列命令自动构建image。 说明:dockerfile只是构建image的,而docker-compose是管理容器的,有时候docker-compose中使用到的镜像是由dockerfile构建的。因此dockerfile是基础,会配合docker-...
开始用上了docker save命令,想保存mysql容器为镜像,然后导入到新环境docker中,发现容器内的mysql数据没有了。 >docker save --helpUsage:docker save [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE...] Save oneormore imagestoa tar archive (streamedtoSTDOUTbydefault)Options:--help Print usage -o, --outputstringWritetoa file,...
dockersave-o<image_name> 1. -o表示输出文件的路径 是保存镜像的文件路径 <image_name>是要保存的镜像名称 比如,我们要将名为myapp的镜像保存到/path/to/myapp.tar文件中,可以使用以下命令: dockersave-o/path/to/myapp.tar myapp 1. 示例 以下是一个示例,演示如何使用docker save命令保存镜像到文件中: 首...
在Docker中,我们可以通过一对操作:导出镜像(docker save)和导入镜像(docker load),来处理Docker镜像。这个操作会将所有的镜像层以及元数据打包到一个tar文件中,然后可以使用docker load命令将这个tar文件导入到任何Docker环境中。这种方式主要用于分享或迁移整个镜像,包括所有版本、标签和历史。一、导出镜像(docker save)...
Save an image to a tar.gz file using gzip You can use gzip to save the image file and make the backup smaller. $docker save myimage:latest|gzip > myimage_latest.tar.gz Cherry-pick particular tags You can even cherry-pick particular tags of an image repository. ...
Loaded image: myimage:v1.0.0 We’re using gzip here to make the file on disk smaller but technically that’s an optional step. Using docker image save --output myimage.tar myimage:v1.0.0 works without gzip. The load command works the same in either case because internally it can ...
Save an image to a tar.gz file using gzip You can use gzip to save the image file and make the backup smaller. $docker save myimage:latest|gzip > myimage_latest.tar.gz Cherry-pick particular tags You can even cherry-pick particular tags of an image repository. ...
上面我们已经导出了镜像,然后就可以导入镜像了,导入镜像使用 docker load [options][root@dce88 ~]# docker load --help Usage: docker load [OPTIONS] Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN Options: -i, --input string Read from tar archive file, instead of STDIN -q, --quiet Suppress the...
Basically, what I am trying to do is build a docker image and then push it to our azure container registry. I can build the image but when I try to save it as a .tar file no matter what I do it can’t find the image. I have listed the pipeline below. Expected behavior should ...