It is just a container with Ubuntu 16. $ docker run -i -t ubuntu:latest /bin/bash 2) Inside the terminal install something. In my case, I am just going to do updates and install curl and save this as a Base image. From the linux command line… # apt-get updat...
docker export需要指定container,不能像docker save那样指定image或container都可以。 将打包的container载入进来使用docker import,例如: dockerimportpostgres-export.tar postgres:latest 从上面的命令可以看出,docker import将container导入后会成为一个image,而不是恢复为一个container。 另外一点是,docker import可以指定IM...
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 89e35ee3bc0e cf49811e3cdb “/bin/bash” a minute ago Up 3 minutes centos7.5 [root@localhost dockerworking]# docker container run -itd --privileged cf49811e3cdb /usr/sbin/init [root@localhost dockerworking]# docker container exec -it b2...
于是寻找到docker export命令,发现docker export才是真正的保存容器为镜像。 >dockerexport--helpUsage: dockerexport[OPTIONS]CONTAINERExporta container's filesystemasa tar archiveOptions:--help Print usage-o,--output string Write to a file, instead of STDOUT123456789 docker save:导出镜像为镜像文件 docker...
DockerImageDockerContainerTarFilebesavedasexportedcontainscancan 通过docker save和docker export命令,我们可以方便地导出和共享 Docker 镜像和容器。无论是备份镜像还是迁移容器,这两个命令都能很好地满足我们的需求。希望本文能够帮助你更好地理解和使用这两个命令。
一、docker save是用来将一个或多个image打包保存的工具。 docker save -o images.tar postgres:9.6 mongo:3.4 二、docker export是用来将container的文件系统进行打包的。 docker export -o postgres-export.tar postgres 两者之间有什么区别呢: docker save保存的是镜像(image),docker export保存的是容器(container...
If you try running the image directly, you’ll get an error, as shown below, since the imported image is a filesystem image. Returning Error when Running Docker Image Directly Saving Images via Docker Save Image Perhaps you want to save a Docker image rather than a container. If so, go...
docker ps -a #-a 选项可以显示所有的容器CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES##字段说明CONTAINER ID:容器的ID号IMAGE:加载的镜像COMMAND :运行的程序CREATED :创建时间STATUS:当前的状态PORTS:端口映射NAMES:名称 1.3docker —— run 指令 ...
To create an Apache server image from anoraclelinux:6.6container: Run thebashshell inside a container namedguest: [root@host ~]#docker run -i -t --name guest oraclelinux:6.6 /bin/bash[root@guest ~]# If you use a web proxy, edit the yum configuration on the guest as described inhttps...