The container was randomly named “elegant_goldstine” by Docker. We will use this name in the next step, though yours will very likely be different. To save the running container as an image, run the following while changing the names as needed: ...
As an example, if I create a new container running Ubuntu 16, add an app and save it I have a new nested image with the app that runs on Ubuntu 16. The app container does not have the bits in it for Ubuntu 16, it only has the changes that were made from the...
While the image used by a container is not an identifier for the container, you find out the IDs of containers using an image by using the --filter flag. For example, the following docker ps command gets the IDs of all running containers based on the nginx:alpine image: ...
attach Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container build Build an image from a Dockerfile commit Create a new image from a container's changes cp Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem create Create a new container diff Inspect changes...
save保存的是镜像(image),export保存的是容器(container); load用来载入镜像包,import用来载入容器包,但两者都会恢复为镜像; load不能对载入的镜像重命名,而 import可以为镜像指定新名称。 本次实验操作的环境: CentOS 7 1804,VMware 15 Pro,4GB内存、4核心CPU,宿主OS为Windows7SP1 64Bit。
一、docker save是用来将一个或多个image打包保存的工具。 docker save -o images.tar postgres:9.6 mongo:3.4 二、docker export是用来将container的文件系统进行打包的。 docker export -o postgres-export.tar postgres 两者之间有什么区别呢: docker save保存的是镜像(image),docker export保存的是容器(container...
如果仍有容器使用該映像,您會收到類似如下的錯誤訊息。 在此範例中,發生錯誤的原因是youthful_heisenberg容器仍在使用該映像。 主控台複製 Error response from daemon: conflict: unable to delete 575d85b4a69b (cannot be forced) - image is being used by running container c13165988cfe...
When running docker compose up and Docker Desktop is in the Resource Saver mode, the command is unresponsive. As a workaround, manually exit the Resource Saving mode and Docker Compose becomes responsive again. When Enhanced Container Isolation (ECI) is enabled, Docker Desktop may not enter Resou...
I am trying to build an image with docker-compose in it. I follow the instruction from this post: but when I run docker-compose in a shell of the container I get this error: …
docker ps -a #-a 选项可以显示所有的容器CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES##字段说明CONTAINER ID:容器的ID号IMAGE:加载的镜像COMMAND :运行的程序CREATED :创建时间STATUS:当前的状态PORTS:端口映射NAMES:名称 1.3docker —— run 指令 ...