saturated-unit-weight-of-soil网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 saturated unit weight of soil 美 英 un.饱和容重 英汉 un. 1. 饱和容重 隐私声明 法律声明 广告 反馈 © 2025 Microsoft
2) saturated unit weight of soil 土的饱和容重3) unsatu-rated gravity water storage volume 非饱和带重力蓄水库容4) total saturation adsorption capacity 饱和硫容 例句>> 5) resaturation 重饱和6) saturated dead weight 饱和自重 1. When determining the coefficient of collaspsibility for dead ...
dram (unit of weight) 英钱 installation (unit) weight 设备重量 unit weight of soil 土容量 picul (unit of weight) 担 相似单词 Weight n. 重,重量,体重,砝码,重担,重大,影响,力量,势力 vt. 加重量于,压迫,使加权 weight n. 1.重量,分量 2.砝码,秤砣 3.重物 4.负荷,负担 5.重要性;严...
transport process of water and contaminant through saturated-unsaturated soils, Nitrate concentration more sensitive than water flow to change in initial dry unit weight due to variation in mechanical dispersion that affected by porosity and void ratio which depended on dry unit weight of soil. Wa...
This paper examines and assesses predictive methods for the saturated hydraulic conductivity of soils. The soil definition is that of engineering. It is not that of soil science and agriculture, which corresponds to “top soil” in engineering. Most predictive methods were calibrated using laboratory...
Specific gravity of the fines G : Specific gravity of the sand–silt mixture I p : Plasticity index k sat : Saturated hydraulic conductivity q peak : Undrained monotonic shear strength at the peak γ : Total unit weight of soil References Amini F, Qi, GZ (2000) Liquefaction testin...
In the absence of any available numerical procedure to account for partial saturation, this influence was investigated by adjusting the soil unit weight and effective stress for any given degree of saturation. Changes of the effective stress in unsaturated soils, in turn, altered soil dynamic ...
Percent body fat had many significant correlations, and the overall pattern was similar to that of age, but it was disparate from other body measurements like BMI and weight. The microbiome is known to play a role in obesity (20, 22, 38), but studies rarely report both body fat (%) ...
Total dry weight was greater for plants grown in saturated-aerated soil than in either saturated or unsaturated soil. Differences in nutrient absorption and distribution between the plants and among the water treatments were principally the result of growth differences produced by the water treatments....
Boso [13] conducted a series of air-drying tests at a very low vertical stress on samples of reconstituted Barcelona clayey silt. This low-activity soil has 17% clay content and the following basic properties: liquid limit 32%, plastic limit 16% and unit weight of solids 26.7 kN/m3[13]...