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transport process of water and contaminant through saturated-unsaturated soils, Nitrate concentration more sensitive than water flow to change in initial dry unit weight due to variation in mechanical dispersion that affected by porosity and void ratio which depended on dry unit weight of soil. Wa...
Protein and fiber were calculated values (Nutrition Data System for Research, University of Minnesota) to include adjustments of compositional analysis of daily menus. RESULTS Four-week dietary interventions minimally change the microbiome. Overall, the dietary interventions caused modest changes in the ...
In the absence of any available numerical procedure to account for partial saturation, this influence was investigated by adjusting the soil unit weight and effective stress for any given degree of saturation. Changes of the effective stress in unsaturated soils, in turn, altered soil dynamic ...
of suction, whereas transitions from unsaturated to saturated conditions during wetting or loading will occur at a lower nonzero air-exclusion value of suction. Air-entry and air-exclusion values of suction for a given soil will differ (representing hysteresis in the retention behaviour) and both ...
Since the ionic strength of soil solutions can vary considerably with time and space and often reach high values, both modified Debye-Htickel and Pitzer expressions were incorporated into the model as options to calculate single ion activities. The program may be used to analyze water and solute...
The characteristic times (tc) of the diffusion processes (i.e., the time needed for the generated pore pressure during loading to dissipate during drainage) were evaluated using Eqs. (1), (2), (3). Using the assigned values of permeabilities given in Table 1, the tc values of clay and...
The third condition could allow internal or external flow, which in turn could exhibit constant or evolving values over time. The numerical results revealed an appropriate behavior of the consolidation phenomenon under the conceptual framework of the effective stress of saturated soil, supporting its ...
Thus, they are used extensively in different geotechnical engineering applications as a light-weight construction material for embankments, in backfills behind retaining or caisson quay walls, in the reinforcement of soft soil, in the drainage layer in landfills, and in slope stabilization [41,42,43...
These are not unique to a soil; its shape and position are not the same and its wetting and drying paths are different, showing the hysteresis phenomenon, which means that for one value of suction, there are two values of degree of saturation [29,31]. For this reason, the hysteresis of...