sat练习测试四套及答案新.pdf,® SAT Practice Test #4 IMPORTANT REMINDERS: A No. 2 pencil is required Sharing any questions Requests to cancel for the test. Do not use a with anyone is a violation scores must be received mechanical pencil or pen. of the
E) The value of gold and the levels of mining output are unlikely to change in the near future. 2. The author of Passage 2 would most likely regard the statement that "it is the best standard yet devised and put into practice" (lines 18-19, Passage1) as A) valid B) naive C) ab...
内容提示: SAT® Practice Test #4IMPORTANT REMINDERS:A No. 2 pencil is required for the test. Do not use a mechanical pencil or pen.Sharing any questions with anyone is a violation of the SAT® Program’s Test Security and Fairness policies and may result in your scores being canceled....
4. An encyclopedia is not the best source to cite for a research reportbecause it is neither original nor up-to-date. A) for it is either original or up-to-date B) because it is neither original nor up-to-date C) being either original nor up-to-date ...
SAT® Practice Test #4 IMPORTANT REMINDERS : t t A No. 2 pe nc il is req uired Sharing a ny questions Requests to c a n c e l fo r t he test . Do not use a w it ha ny o ne ls a v io lat io n scores must be received mechanical pencil or pen. of t he SAT@ Pro...
ANSWERSHEETforPRACTICETEST4 UseaNo.2pencilandfillintheentirecircledarklyandcompletely. Ifyouchangeyourresponse,eraseascompletelyaspossible 1ABCD13ABCD25ABCD37ABCD49ABCD 2ABCD14ABCD26ABCD38ABCD50ABCD 3ABCD15ABCD27ABCD39ABCD51ABCD 4ABCD16ABCD28ABCD40ABCD52ABCD ...
SAT? Practice Test #4 (This (This cover is representative of what you’ll see on test day.) Requests to cancel scores must be received in writing by the Wednesday following the test date. Sharing any questions with anyone is a violation of the SAT? Program’s Test Security and Fairness ...
内容提示: SAT® Practice Test #4THIS TEST BOOK MUST NOT BE TAKEN FROM THE ROOM. UNAUTHORIZEDREPRODUCTION OR USE OF ANY PART OF THIS TEST BOOK IS PROHIBITED.© 2015 The College Board. College Board, SAT, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board.THIS TEST BOOK ...
· Up-to-date information on the New SAT so you know what to expect on test dayPractice That Gets You to Excellence.· 4 full-length practice tests that are fully aligned with the redesigned exam· Drills for each new test section—Reading, Writing and Language, and Math· Detailed answer...
All SAT Practice Tests If you want some more in-depth prep, use a free SAT practice test listed below. Practice Exams = Timed and Full-Length Practice Sets = Not Timed and Smaller Sets of Questions SAT Practice Exam #1 SAT Practice Exam #2 SAT Practice Exam #3 SAT Practice Exam #4 ...