登录Bluebook后并接受申请条款 即可以进入官方提供的4套practice test 通过官方提供的4套practice test即可真实体验机考SAT考试,了解考试流程和操作方法。 比较详细的流程之前沃邦教研组老师就有整理过,请参考以下链接里的文章。 最完整 | SAT机考官方发布第一套解读 准备考试所需物品清...
1)登录CB官方网站 https://www.collegeboard.org/, 开始注册SAT考试账号。 2)点击Create Account后,进入如下界面: 3)选择Student后进入如下界面填写个人信息。 4)填写个人信息需注意带有星号标记的是必填的,不带星号标记的可以不填。 提醒同学们注意在填写个人信息时看清楚每个要填的个人信息是什么 first name(名字...
所以CB有可能在今年秋天在Bluebook上再放出Practice 5、Practice 6等更多套题,但这只是一种可能,我们能做的只有等待。 二、机考SAT纸考版4套题 官方名称叫Full-length Linear(Nonadaptive) Practice Tests,也是成套的,带答案和解析,并带打分表。 这四套题的用途是给某些特殊考生(比如一些因身体原因不能面对电脑屏...
Test Familiarity All standardized tests, including the SAT, have their own unique way of presenting questions and answer choices. You will gain more familiarity and comfort with the SAT question style as you take more practice quizzes. On the real exam day, there will be no surprises. ...
need to Know About the New SAT CHAPTER2 The College Hill Method CHAPTER3 Attacking the SAT Essay Practice Test1 Practice Test2 Practice Test3 Practice Test4 Practice Test5 Practice Test6 Practice Test7 Practice Test8 Practice Test9 Practice Test10 Practice Test11 Practice Test12 Practice PSAT ...
4. An encyclopedia is not the best source to cite for a research reportbecause it is neither original nor up-to-date. A) for it is either original or up-to-date B) because it is neither original nor up-to-date C) being either original nor up-to-date ...
You probably noticed that Practice Test 2 and Practice Test 4 are missing from the list above.That's because they're no longer listed on the official SAT Practice Test website.However, these are still tests that were developed by the College Board, so you may find them useful if you've...
Tip 4: Get Help If You Need It If you're not improving with each practice test,look for extra help: consider supplementing the SAT practice tests with a tutor, class, book (such as the ones above) or program.While some people might be able to learn from their mistakes on practice test...