可以通过format语句来改变日期的显示格式。学习如何在SAS中将日期转换为yyyymm格式: 要将日期转换为yyyymm格式,你需要提取年份和月份,并以yyyymm的形式组合它们。 SAS提供了year()和month()函数来分别提取年份和月份。查找SAS中year和month函数的使用方法: ...
outargs _year, _month, _day, _hour, _minute, _second; /* make sure year is a four-digit number */ if not( notdigit(cats(_year)) ) then do; if length(strip(_year)) = 4 then _year = strip(_year); else if length(strip(_year)) = 2 then do; if input(_year, best.) <...
yyyymm=put(yyyymmdd,yymmn6.); 或者迷惑一点: yyyymm=cat(year(yyyymmdd),month(yyyymmdd)); -如果它是个数值型的20200317,即它不知道自己是日期,以为自己是两千零二十万三百一十七,那么可以通过计算实现 yyyymm=int(yyyymmdd/100); 或者 yyyymm=round(yyyymmdd/100,1); -如果它是个字符型的“20200317”,...
; format monyy $6.; datalines; JAN 21 ; run; 这将生成一个名为formatted的数据集,其中包含一个名为monyy的变量,其值为JAN21。 使用格式化语句: 使用FORMAT语句将月份和年份格式化为MONYY格式。例如:data formatted; input month $ year; format monyy monyy.; monyy = cats(month, year); datalines;...
例如,如果CSV文件中的日期时间数据以"YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"格式表示,可以使用以下代码将其转换为"SAS日期时间"格式:data mydata; set csvdata; new_datetime = input(datetime, yymmdd10.) + input(time, time8.); format new_datetime datetime20.; run;在上述代码中,datetime和time是CSV文件中的日期和...
format monyear mmyy6.; 1 Like Re: Convert "month_year" and "year_month" string to date Posted 04-21-2014 02:15 PM (3911 views) | In reply to ballardw Thanks it worked perfectly! 0 Likes Ksharp Super User Re: Convert "month_year" and "year_month" st...
datais the CAS action dependent payload as an object or in stringified JSON format. E.g. for a fetch action: { "table": { "name": "CARS", "caslib": "Public", "where": "Origin='Asia'" }, "fetchVars": [ {"name": "Invoice"} ...
SAS FUNCTIONS: Index A SAS function performs a computation or system manipulation on arguments and returns a value.Most functions use arguments supplied by the user, but a few obtain their arguments from the host operating environment.∙Function Arguments ∙Function Results ∙Function Categories ...
Per CDISC SDTM IG 3.1.1 section, when duration is being measured after an event, the duration is displayed as: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss /PnYnMnDTnHnMnS. For duration measured prior to an event, the syntax is: PnYnMnDTnHnMnS/YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss. If duration = 0, then it ...
to build ISO 8601 dates in the proper format */ iso_dtc = catx('-', year, month, day...