"My First SAS Package: A How-To" at SGF2021 Proceedings SAS Ballot Ideas: one: SPF in SAS, two, and threeSAS Documentation 1 Like Reply LL5 Pyrite | Level 9 Re: How to convert number or string to date with yyyymm format and create new date field based on it ...
SAS:创建可查看x个月前的参数 、、 我一直在寻找一种方法来创建一个变量,这个变量可以让我运行proc,选择一个特定的表来回顾10个月。参数应该具有YYYYMM的格式。因此,例如&YYYYMM = 202102,这将允许我从202005到202101运行数据。任何帮助都将是非常感谢的!非常感谢!! 浏览13提问于2021-12-17得票数 0 回答...
This is stored in Excel under General format and not as a date, so when I import the sheet to SAS, it doesn't recognise that 201510 is supposed to be October 2015. I do not have access to the base data itself (this is provided by a separate team) and would like to avoid...