Re: Remove Duplicate Characters In A String Posted 03-20-2020 08:43 AM (3296 views) | In reply to Patrick Hi Patrick, i managed to use your prxchange and prxparse within my proc sql query and it works like a dream. Just wanted to say thank you for this. Would you mind explaining...
Hi, I am doing some validity tests using pattern matching. The issue is that the valid values I want not to be flagged can be either a 4-digit string or a 5-digit string. This is what I set up: if _n_ = 1 then do; pattern_id3n=prxparse("/\d{5}/i"); pattern_id3nb=prxpar...
The macro uses some version-9-only functions--to wit: propcase, prxparse and prxmatch. So it will not be usable on versions of sas earlier than 9.It also relies on a hard-coded list of names whose fourth characters should be upcased (e.g., the Mac names—MacDougall, MacDonald, ...
x or X adds hexadecimal characters to the list of characters. 十六进制字符 %CMPRES & %QCMPRES Compress multiple blanks and remove leading and trailing blanks. 可使用~试验组(N=%cmpres(&ppst))~调用宏变量ppst,结果显示为~试验组(N=数值)~。 去除空格 nolead = trail(stringx); notrail = tr...
You will find it a lot easier to use normal SAS code to manipulate strings. Plus in they case there is no need to remove the [ ] characters. In other cases removing them will destroy the JSON text. %let input_string= [{"MEMBERID1": "A12345690", "DOB1": "", "MEMBERID2": "A...
So for example if the _NAME_ is "v88890" I would like to remove the "v" and _NAME_ to be "88890". However if _NAME_ is "B1HHK8" then nothing is removed. So v is removed only at the beginning of _NAME_. The length of _NAME_ is maximum of 6 characte...
have; length want $ 200; pid=prxparse('/(Husband:|Wife:|Father:|Mother:|Daughter:|Son:)[\s\p\w\.]+([\s\p\w\.\(\)\-]+)?/i'); s=1;e=length(family); call prxnext(pid,s,e,family,p,l); do while(p); want=substr(family,p,l);output; call prxnext(p...
The endpos needs to be adjusted as it is the original position in the string and you need to remove the characters that come before the START:. The INDEX function will return 0 for the position if the string is not found. Best practice would be to do the SUBSTR only when both Statpos...
(1) extract the text prior to the "/": = scan(regional,1,'/') (2) then eliminate the last 6 non-blank characters: =substr(of above,1,length(of above)-6). data want; set have; length county $25; county=substr(scan(regional,1,'/') ,1 ,length(scan(regional,1,'/'))-6 ...
The PRXCHANGE function replaces the parentheses in substrings of the form "(text without parentheses)" by replacement characters (I chose 'þ'='FE'x and 'ÿ'='FF'x, but you may want to use others). The remaining, hence unmatched parentheses are removed by the COMPRESS function. Final...