1. %str 和 %nrstr %str(character-string)%nrstr(character-string) 这两个函数属于 Macro quoting function, 作用是:在宏编译时,当存在特殊字符影响到宏编译的结果时,将其放入这两个函数中就可以掩盖这些字符。可以掩盖的字符有: 除此之外,%NRSTR 还可以掩盖 & 和 % . 注意:如果是不成对的引号或括号,...
ANYFIRST Function Searches a character string for a character that is valid as the first character in a SAS variable name under VALIDVARNAME=V7, and returns the first position at which that character is found. ANYGRAPH Function Searches a character string for a graphical character, and returns ...
The LENGTH function returns an integer that represents the position of the rightmost non-blank character in string. If the value of string is blank, LENGTH returns a value of 1. If string is a numeric constant, variable, or expression_r(either initialized...
由此,不需比较便可直接取得所查记录。称这个对应关系f为 散列函数(Hash function),按这个事先建立的表为散列表。 给定表M,存在函数f(key),对任意给定的关键字值key,代入函数后若能得到包含该关键字的记录在表中的地址,则称表M为哈希(Hash)表,函数f(key)为哈希(Hash) 函数。 2. Hash Tables: 散列表 是...
批量处理还需要获取字符变量的数目,这一点可以通过计数&CharVarList中单词数目来获取。函数Countw的用法可以参考官方文档(SAS Help Center: COUNTW Function)。 %let nCharVar = %sysfunc(countw(&CharVarList.)); %put nCharVar = &nCharVar.; nCharVar ...
newName - character string specifying a new name for the variable. description - character string specifying a description for the variable. levels - character vector containing the levels when "type" = "factor". If the levels property is not provided, factor levels will be determined by the ...
若结构中存在和关键字K相等的记录,则必定在f(K)的存储位置上。由此,不需比较便可直接取得所查记录。称这个对应关系f为 散列函数(Hash function),按这个事先建立的表为散列表。 给定表M,存在函数f(key),对任意给定的关键字值key,代入函数后若能得到包含该关键字的记录在表中的地址,则称表M为哈希(Hash)表,...
Chapter1:CharacterFunctions3 Introduction AmajorstrengthofSASisitsabilitytoworkwithcharacterdata.TheSAScharacter functionsareessentialtothis.Thecollectionoffunctionsandcallroutinesinthischapter allowyoutodoextensivemanipulationonallsortsofcharacterdata. SASuserswhoarenewtoVersion9willnoticethetremendousincreaseinthenumberof...
newName- character string specifying a new name for the variable. description- character string specifying a description for the variable. levels- character vector containing the levels when"type" = "factor". If the levels property is not provided, factor levels will be determined by the values ...
★ 今天讲讲 SAS 对字符串的操作,主要是两类 function:handle blanks 和 concatenate character strings。 ” 第一类 处理字符串中的空白,主要有这些 function:TRIM,TRIMN,STRIP,LEFT,COMPRESS,COMPBL。 通过例子一一来看: trim vs. trimn data sample; ...