removes multiple blanks between words in a character string COMPRESS(source<,characters-to-remove>) removes specific characters from a character string DEQUOTE(argument) removes quotation marks from a character value INDEX(source,excerpt) searches the source for the character string specified by the ex...
SUBSTR extracts a portion of the value by stating the specific location. It is best used when we know the exact position of the sub string to extract from a character value. 45. The following data step executes: Data strings; Text1 = “MICKEY MOUSE DONALD DUCK”; Text = scan(text1,2...
Remove a specific letter and only the number following it Posted 06-23-2020 09:12 AM (2262 views) Hi all, I would like to remove a specific letter and the number just following it, but not a similar number from a character format. data have; A 606R1 3 A 607R2 1 A ...
Routine CALL SCAN Routine CAT Function Does not remove leading or trailing blanks, and returns a concatenated character string. CATQ Function Concatenates character or numeric values by using a delimiter to separate items and by adding quotation marks to strings that contain the delimiter. CATS ...
CALL SCAN Routine Returns the position and length of the nth word from a character string. CAT Function Does not remove leading or trailing blanks, and returns a concatenated character string. CATQ Function Concatenates character or numeric values by using a delimiter to separate items and by...
TRANSLATE(string, replace_with, find_what) string: The character variable or string. find_what: The character or word to be replaced within the string. replace_with: The character or word that will replace the old word within the string. ...
If you add or remove a user, the change takes effect the next time that this user logs on. If the user is currently logged on, their previous memberships continue to apply. Create a New Custom Group Create custom groups to give members similar permissions. Select Custom groups from the dro...
LSFILE= character-string in combination with the LS option, specifies a character string that enables you to request a listing of a subset of files from the working directory. Enclose the character string in quotation marks. Restriction: LSFILE= can be used only if LS is specified. Tip...
Remove any temporary files needed for inputstream re-use and mark this entry as closed. closePool(Hashtable, String, String, String) - Static method in class Deprecated. Close all unused workspace objects in the appropriate pool(s). closeStack - Variable in...