Applying Metadata Attributes in Analysis Data Sets Using Macro Variables and Proc SQL in SAS®In clinical trials, we create analysis data sets from the case report form (CRF) data to enhance the efficiency of the statistical analysis. We may derive new variables in these analysis data sets. ...
sas宏(2),运行中创建宏与使用宏,多个宏触发器的引用规则、proc sql创建宏, scl中宏处理(暂缺) 1:在程序运行中进行宏定义 CALL routinesthat enable you to transfer informationbetween an executing DATA step and the macro processor. You can use theSYMPUT routineto create a macro variable and to assign ...
%letgl_var1=global macro variable1; *2. Use CALL SYMPUT in DATA Step.; data_null_; callsymput('gl_var2','global macro variable2'); run; *3. Use INTO Clause in PROC SQL; procsqlnoprint; selectcount(*)into: gl_var3 fromsashelp.class; quit; %putgl_var1=&gl_var1; %putgl_v...
Re: create two sas macro variables using proc sql with Into statement Posted 08-29-2018 06:44 AM (851 views) | In reply to Ronein proc sql; select count(*),sum(case when sex="M" then 1 else 0 end) into :v1, :v2 from sashelp.class; quit; %put &v1.; %put...
macro variable2'); run; *3. Use INTO Clause in PROC SQL; procsqlnoprint; select count(*) into: gl_var3 from sashelp.class; quit; %put gl_var1=&gl_var1; %put gl_var2=&gl_var2; %put gl_var3=&gl_var3; /*CALL SYMPUT除以上情况下可创建全局宏变量外,还有一种比较奇葩的情况。
自动生成宏变量有两种方法,data步里用call symputx(),或者proc sql中用select into:。 零售项目中,万同学的代码里有很多select into:的使用;唐同学的宏里面就有不少call symput()。 call symputx的用法举例: /*6.1b using symputx to create a macro variable*/ /*生成宏变量jane_age,取值为Data步生成的数据...
procsql创建宏,scl。。。1:在程序运⾏中进⾏宏定义 CALL routines that enable you to transfer information between an executing DATA step and the macro processor.You can use the SYMPUT routine to create a macro variable and to assign to that variable any value that is available in the DATA ...
数据集如图1所示:图1 代码:proc sql noprint;select distinct Style, SqFeet into :style1 - :...
14、在data步中数据集重命名时,索引将被删除,在proc dataset步中修改变量名,索引将会保留(63.59) 15、60.60 *** symput(macro_var,a);(60.15) 50题 The dictionary tableDictionary.Columnsstores the names of data sets in the columnmemname. MLOGIC选项跟踪宏执行的...
PROC SQL; SELECT title, rating, category FROM movies WHERE category LIKE 'D%'; QUIT; What I'd like to do is make the D a macro variable i.e change at run time depending on user input but retain the % sign. Do I need to use a quoting function? If so which one; I have tried...