SAS macro facility has been a very important tool in SAS programming for many years. The CALL SYMPUT routine and DATA _NULL_ are the traditional methods to create macro variables from SAS data. However, PROC SQL is much more powerful andefficient in creating macro variables thanks to the in...
数据集如图1所示:图1 代码:proc sql noprint;select distinct Style, SqFeet into :style1 - :sty...
sas宏(2),运行中创建宏与使用宏,多个宏触发器的引用规则、proc sql创建宏, scl中宏处理(暂缺) 1:在程序运行中进行宏定义 CALL routinesthat enable you to transfer informationbetween an executing DATA step and the macro processor. You can use theSYMPUT routineto create a macro variable and to assign ...
sas宏(2),运⾏中创建宏与使⽤宏,多个宏触发器的引⽤规则、procsql创建宏,scl。。。1:在程序运⾏中进⾏宏定义 CALL routines that enable you to transfer information between an executing DATA step and the macro processor.You can use the SYMPUT routine to create a macro variable and to ...
为了便于讨论,假设您更改了宏变量的名称M更可笑的表达,例如YN_OPTION_SELECT_M_STATES```%let YN_...
Re: define macro variables by proc sql into Posted 03-06-2015 05:23 PM (2048 views) | In reply to Sunny_Sun When SQL performs a numeric to character conversion (as it must, in order to store a numeric value in a macro variable), it creates leading blanks. Just add between the ...
T:SAS/ Proc SQL -选择into: not in: 、、、 我目前有一个proc内容数据文件,如下所示: INPUT NAME $; VARA VARD ;我希望把这最后一个变量变成一个宏变量,像这样 SELECT NAME INTO: MACRO_VARIABLEWHERE NAME NOT IN:(VARA VARB)QUIT; 我 浏览4提问于2018-11-08得票数 0 回答已采纳 4回答...
在SAS中使用宏forformulaprocsql 、、 我需要一些帮助在SAS中的宏。我想对变量(例如,从v_1到v_7)求和,以按年份分组来聚合它们。它们有很多,所以我想使用宏。但是,它不工作(我只得到v_1),我将非常感谢您的帮助。%macro my_macro();%do i = 1 %to 7; create table my_table as select sum(v ...
symputx也不能用在SQL步中,同时SQL不能像SYMPUTX定义local宏变量或者是global宏变量。 一:基本语法 data callsym2;setmacrolib.clinics(where=(lname?'son'));/*这种写法可以直接搜索 where*/run;proc contents data=sashelp.class;run;dataclass;setsashelp.class;run;proc contents data=class;run;data clinic...
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