sgplot data=spiderweb aspect=1 noautolegend noborder nowall pad=0 sganno=title; styleattrs backcolor=cxFF7518; * cxFF7518 is Halloween orange; symbolimage name=spider image="/home/ted.conway/spider.png"; * MS-Word spider icon saved as .png file; polygon x=x y=y id=m / lineattrs...
Chapter 23: Customizing the Kaplan-Meier Survival Plot Other values for the DATALINEPATTERNS= option are provided in the section "The Macro Variables" on page 865. You must use the option ATTRPRIORITY=NONE when you want to have varying line patterns in an ATTRPRIORITY=COLOR style like HTML...
*/ /* creating the macro to make the little sparklines */ %macro sparky2(statenm,state); ods graphics on / width=.75in height=.15in border=off outputfmt=png imagemap=on imagename="&state.try2"; proc sgplot data=tempx (where=(fipsst=&statenm.)) ; series y=propgplus x=year ...
proc sgplot data = diffs ; reg x = new y = diff/clm clmtransparency = .5; needle x = new y = diff/baseline = 0; refline 0 / LABEL = ('No diff line'); TITLE 'Enhanced Bland-Altman Plot'; footnote 'Accurate prediction with 10% homogeneous error'; run ; quit ; When the abov...
options nobyline;title justify=center HEIGHT=15pt FONT='Times New Roman' color=darkgray bold "#BYVAL1" ;title2 justify=center HEIGHT=12pt FONT='Calibri' color=big bold "#BYVAL2" " " "~{unicode '2197'x}"; proc sgplot data=newvar NOAUTOLEGEND;by Region trend notsorted;where Region=...
proc sgplot data=vectors sganno=vecann21 aspect=1 ; refline 0 / axis=x; refline 0 / axis=y; scatter x=ydoteye y=PC1 / datalabel=_ID_; vector x=ydoteye y=PC1 / datalabel=_Variable_ lineattrs=GraphData2 datalabelattrs=GraphData2; xaxis grid offsetmin=...
/ LINEATTRS=(COLOR=&&color&i); %end; ENDDISCRETEATTRMAP; When macro variables are resolved you can see that the repeated codes for the individual plot lines conform to range definitions specified in the table insert for Figure 10. What might not be so obvious is that DDATE, a numeric ...
3156 ! Chapter 45: The X13 Procedure proc x13 data=sales date=date noprint; var sales; x11; output out=out a1 d11; run; proc sgplot data=out; series x=date y=sales_A1 / name = "A1" markers markerattrs=(color=red symbol='asterisk') lineattrs=(color=red); series x=date y=...
Then I used Proc Format and created Box-Whisker graph by using PROC SGPLOT.Now, I need to add legendlabel for two Box-Whisker graph. The default legendlabel put a line symbol for Column2 but I need to give different color for Box-Whiskers and show the symbols wit...
proc x12 data=sales date=date noprint; var sales; x11; output out=out a1 d11; run; proc sgplot data=out; series x=date y=sales_A1 / name = "A1" markers markerattrs=(color=red symbol='asterisk') lineattrs=(color=red); series x=date y=sales_D11 / name= "D11" markers marker...