proc sort data=sashelp.class out=c;by sex;run;data anno1;retain x1 20 y1 85 function 'Text' dataspace 'GraphPercent' width 100;label = 'Students'; output;run;proc sgplot data=c sganno=anno1 tmplout='tmp1.tmp';scatter y=weight x=height;by sex;run; 不需要TMPLOUT =选项。但是,它...
proc sgplot data=c sganno=anno1 tmplout='tmp1.tmp'; scatter y=weight x=height; by sex; run; 不需要TMPLOUT =选项。但是,它显示了PROC SGPLOT编写的用于制作图形的模板。如果您真的想了解PROC SGPLOT的作用,您需要了解模板。它存储在文件tmp1.tmp中,如下所示(添加缩进后)。 proc template; define s...
procsortdata=sashelp.class out=c;by sex;run;data anno1;retain x120 y1 85 function 'Text' dataspace 'GraphPercent' width 100;label= 'Students'; output;run;proc sgplot data=c sganno=anno1 tmplout='tmp1.tmp';scatter y=weight x=height;by sex;run; 不需要TMPLOUT =选项。但是,它显示了...
这个例子为每个通过Sex运行PROC SGPLOT生成的图形添加了一个注释,单词“Students”。 AI检测代码解析 proc sort data=sashelp.class out=c; by sex; run; data anno1; retain x1 20 y1 85 function 'Text' dataspace 'GraphPercent' width 100; label = 'Students'; output; run; proc sgplot data=c sga...
在我们开始之前,让我们更好地了解当您运行PROC SGPLOT以及BY语句和SG注释数据集时会发生什么。这个例子为每个通过Sex运行PROC SGPLOT生成的图形添加了一个注释,单词“Students”。 AI检测代码解析 proc sort data=sashelp.class out=c; by sex; run;
1 proc sgplot data=mysas.reportmms;2 series x=date y=wangnei_max/group=city;3 refline 5000000 6000000/axis=y;4 run;其中refline可以用来标出参考线 其参数有axis label t
if Failcode = . then do;XAtRisk= Follow; Follow = .;NAtRisk= 0; if STRATUM = preSTRATUM then do;NAtRisk= preAtRisk; end; end; GROUP = STRATUM - 1;run; 最後, 我先利用SAS內建的%modstyle來設定輸出線條的顏色與樣式. PROC SGPLOT底下的第一行, 可使用step或series, 來指定x軸與y軸的...
proc sgplot data=counts; vbar state / response=count group=gender order=ascending categoryorder=respasc groupdisplay=stack ; xaxis display = none; run; This generates the following plot; I am happy with all parts of this plot EXCEPT the displayed order of the groups in the bars (gender),...
Hello SAS community. I have written a PROC SGPLOT code that includes the BLOCK statement generating beautiful graphs. I need to identify the default colors used but confused by the several HLS/RGB/HSV options. I used the default template i.e HTMLBlue. I was wondering if someone can point ...
You can customize the symbols on graphs that you generate with the SGPLOT procedure by using the SYMBOLCHAR and SYMBOLIMAGE statements. These statements are available beginning in the first maintenance release of SAS® 9.4 (TS1M1). The sam