例如,将字符型数据转换为日期类型可以使用CONVERT(date, expression),将日期类型转换为字符型数据可以使用CONVERT(char, expression, format)。 数值类型转换:可以将一个数值类型转换为另一个数值类型。例如,将整型数据转换为浮点型数据可以使用CONVERT(float, expression),将浮点型数据转换为整型数据可以使用CONVERT(int,...
在SAS SQL中,可以将上述函数和格式化选项结合使用,将文本字段转换为日期类型并格式化输出。例如: 代码语言:txt 复制 proc sql; create table output_table as select text_field as original_text, input(text_field, date9.) as converted_date format=date9. from input_table; quit; 在上述代码中,input函数...
Hi - I have imported data into SAS using proc sql to execute a stored procedure. Unfortunately the date and datetime variables have been imported as character and I would like to convert them appropriately. Based on this post, I have been able to convert to a new variable ...
proc sql noprint;create tabletest1(mean num,std num,min num,max num);insert into test1setmean=(selectmean(age)fromsashelp.class),std=(selectstd(age)fromsashelp.class),min=(selectmin(age)fromsashelp.class),max=(selectmax(age)fromsashelp.class);quit ↑向右滑动查看全部代码↑ 上述代码使用 ...
Describe the bug I am having an issue very similar to issue #343 except I am using a terminal and have no autoexec. I am using sas9.4 and saspy 3.7.2 on python 3.11.5. As soon as I initialize a sas session using using saspy the terminal ...
The use ofquit;forproc sqlis optional unless you are looking to benefit from the timing statistics. Usesasjs lint! General Notes All macros should be compatible with SAS versions from support level B and above (so currently 9.3 and later). If an earlier version is not supported, then the...
_character_; if _N_=1 then do ; do i= 1 to dim(char_vars); __column=vname(char_vars{i}); __len=&len.;output; end; end; keep __:; run; /*convert to macros vars*/ proc sql noprint; select "length " ||strip(__column)||" $&len. ;" into : __len_list separated ...
最全的SAS9.2函数列表二 第二类函数windows环境下函数;第三类,OpenVMS虚拟内存环境下函数;第四类,z/OS操作环境下函数,
3 The DIRECT_EXE= option in the LIBNAME statement enables you to pass an SQL statement directly to a database using explicit pass-through, when you are using PROC SQL with a libref. 3 You now have the ability to encode the DBMS password that appears in SAS source code so that it does...
PROC PRINTDATA=gamestats; TITLE"Season's Record to Date"; RUN; 看一眼最终数据: 累加效果出来了~还有一栏是迄今最大值。这也是我觉得sas和R很不同的一点:sas是指针式操作,一行行往下读;而在R里面我们更多是向量或者矩阵式运算,感觉还是有所区别的... SAS 这个就更有点矩阵的味道了,不过还是偶尔感觉怪怪...