Try CAST(F.FACT as NUMBER) to convert a char to number. 2 Likes sqltrysh Calcite | Level 5 Re: convert varchar to number in a proc sql Posted 10-30-2014 04:37 AM (42997 views) | In reply to CTorres thanks but i tried this and i get an error : " Syntax error: ...
proc sql noprint;create tabletest1(mean num,std num,min num,max num);insert into test1setmean=(selectmean(age)fromsashelp.class),std=(selectstd(age)fromsashelp.class),min=(selectmin(age)fromsashelp.class),max=(selectmax(age)fromsashelp.class);quit ↑向右滑动查看全部代码↑ 上述代码使用 ...
Re: Use macro to determine variable format type Posted 11-02-2023 03:57 PM (3493 views) | In reply to Batman Is there a reason you can't use dictionary.columns? proc sql; select name , type from dictionary.columns where libname = "SASHELP" and memname = "CARS"; quit; Or even...
run; Is there a way that I can convert a large number of columns to numeric (either this way, or a better way), using arrays and ado overloop if possible? data rf; set rf; array to_numeric rfage -- rfprevparticipant; do over to_numeric; * Some function to convert to numeric he...
19. How to convert a numeric variable to a character variable? You must create a differently-named variable using the PUT function. The example below shows the use of the PUT function. charvar=put(numvar, 7.) ; 20. How to convert a character variable to a numeric variable? You must ...
proc sql;select123astime_numeric format=time.,put(123,time.)astime_char from
number of rows ---; proc sql noprint; select max(y) into :maxy from nodes ; quit; %*--- number of time points ---; proc sql noprint; select max(x) into :maxx from nodes ; quit; %*--- corresponding text ---; proc sql noprint; select distinct y, yc into :dummy1-, :yva...
proc sql; create table aeall as select count(distinct usubjid) as count, 1 as row from adae; create table death as select count(distinct usubjid) as count, 2 as row from adae where aeout='FATAL'; /* dthfl='Y' */ quit; ...
data gnu ; set old ; my_age = %CalcAge(RefDate = "&sysdate"d) ; run ; proc sql ; create table gnu as select*, %CalcAge(BDtVar = dob, RefDate = "25dec2009"d) as my_age from old ; quit ;%RemoveDsetPurpose: Deletes a dataset if it exists, without causing a WARNING if it...
20. How to convert a character variable to a numeric variable? You must create a differently-named variable using theINPUTfunction. The example below shows the use of the INPUT function. numvar=input(charvar,4.0); 21. What's the difference between VAR A1 - A3 and VAR A1 -- A3?