inclevel=1*(income='Low')+2*(income='Medium')+3*(income='High'); run;procformat; value purfmt1="$100+"0="<$100" ; run;procformat; value incfmt1='Low Income'2='Medium Income'3='High Income'; run;*有序的定性双变量分析;procfreq data=double.b_sales_inc; tables inclevel*purch...
CDFPLOT<variables> < / options> ; CLASSvariable-1 <(v-options)> <variable-2 <(v-options)>> </ KEYLEVEL= value1 | ( value1 value2 )> ; FREQvariable ; HISTOGRAM<variables> < / options> ; IDvariables ; INSETkeyword-list </ options> ; OUTPUT<OUT=SAS-data-set> <keyword1=names .....
2、系数称为典型系数,次大的叫做第二典型相关,其线性组合称为第二典型变量。Candisc过程可使用的语句为:Proc candisc;(必需语句)Class variable;(必需语句)By variables;Freq variable;Var variables;Weight variable;数据集选项:DATA=SAS-data-set(SAS数据集):指定欲分析的数据集。OUT=SAS-data-set(SAS数据集)...
创建新table并依据多个variables进行left join Macro(宏语言)示例 创建新table并提取data的前100行 删除数据前100行 纵向拼接数据_1 纵向拼接数据_2 SQL Variable名字拼接 导入数据前依据条件进行筛选(Data Step) 将数据等分10份 查看string中是否存在某个substring DATA STEP PROC FREQ PROC SORT PROC COMPARE SAS ...
SAS PROC Freq 1.Introduction Frequency tables show the distribution of variable values. Cross-tabulation tables show combined frequency distributions for two or more variables. For one-way tables, PROC FREQ can compute chi-square tests for equal or specified proportions. For two-way ...
; A BY statement is used with a procedure to obtain separate analyses on observations in groups defined by the BY variables. The data set being processed need not have been previously sorted by the SORT procedure. However, the data set must be in the same order as though PROC SORT had ...
proclifetest<options>;timevariable<*censor(list)>;byvariables;freqvariable;idvariables;stratavariable<(list)><...variable<(list)>>;survivaloptions;testvariables;run;proclifetest语句 proclifetest语句为调用lifetest过程的开始,其主要语句选项及其可执行的功能见下表.proclifetest语句的主要选项 选项method=功能和...