If you omitthe TABLES statement, PROC FREQgenerates one-way frequency tables for all data set variablesthat are not listed in the other statements. 例如含有变量num t1 t2的一张表格,如果限定tables t1;则只会对t1画出相应的频数表, 但是如果省略table,则会画出其他变量的频数表(有一个模糊的条件,这里...
当中,Proc Format Statement标志Proc Format过程,options选项包含sas dataset与sas format的转换、是否永久存储等指令。 Exclude Statement与Select Statement功能相近,都是对FMTLIB和CNTLOUT=这两个options加工处理。区别在于:Exclude entry(s)起排除作用,Select entry(s)起选择作用。 Invalue与Value Statement功能相近,区别...
PROC FREQ options;OUTPUT <OUT= SAS-data-set>;TABLES requests / options;WEIGHT variable;EXACT statistic-keywords;BY variable-list;3.Details.a) The following options are available in the PROC FREQ statement:COMPRESS DATA= SAS-data-set ORDER= INTERNA L|FREQ|DATA|FORMATTED FORMCHA R(1,2,7)= ...
6. 怎样绘制统计图表:简单的有sas的proc gmap和proc sgplot,一个用来绘制地图,一个用来做统计图表,...
we recognize the “how many” aspect, we start our investigation with PROC Freq. At first, we simply ask for frequency tables of the two variables we are interested in, department (Dept) and Salary. On the TABLES statement, we list the names of those two variables, separated by a ...
statement. For example: PROC FREQ;TABLES a; For a crosstabulation table of two variables, give their names separated by an asterisk. The first variable's values form the rows of the table, and the second variable's values form the columns. For example: PROC FREQ; TABLES a*b; For...
在PROC PRINT 中使用 ID 语句会使变量在 Output 中作为第一列出现,取代SAS默认的 obs 列作为第一列。不能将 ID var 同时放在 VAR var,这会使 var 出现两次。一般地,如果数据中有可以作为ID的变量,则建议对该变量使用 ID statement 。 图2 Output using format ...
Below is an example using the LINE statement. I would like to hear from you about the possible ways to make it easier. Thank you! proc freq data=sashelp.cars noprint; where cylinders in (4, 6, 8); tables origin*cylinders/out=have outpct; run; data have; set ...