2. nobs 的作用: nobs (number of observations) 是数据集的观测总数。常用NOBS =选项对数据集进行筛选,_N_=nobs 表示数据集最后一行观测。 例1:采用 sashelp.class 数据集(共19行观测)找出它的最后一行 sashelp.class dataset : Filter the last observation : 例2:if nobs=0 判断是否为空数据集 %put &...
2.Missing Data :By default, observations are excluded from reports if they have missing values for variables listed in ORDER, GROUP, or ACROSS statements. Add the MISSING option to your PROC to keep the observations with missing values. PROC REPORT NOWINDOWS MISSING; DEFINEvariable / options'col...
where label = 'Number of Observations Used'; call symput('obs',n); run; /*计算SBC统计量*/ datasubset; set score; sbc=-scorechisq+log(&obs)*(numberofvariables+1); run; procprintdata=subset; var sbc variablesinmodel; run; /* 取最小的SBC*/ procsqlnoprint; select NumberOfVariables i...
Number of Observations Used 50 Note:No intercept in model. R-Square is redefined. 这是模型的基本信息,共有观测点50个。 这是对模型整体有无统计学意义进行假设检验的结果。F=1321.82,对应的P小于0.0001,说明拟合的多重线性回归方程在整体上是有统计学意义的。 这是评价模型拟合效果的一些统计量。需要注意的...
32、eans plant/duncan; run;,41,行业特制,运行结果,The ANOVA Procedure Class Level Information Class Levels Values plant 3 1 2 3 leaf 2 1 2 Number of observations 12,42,行业特制,The ANOVA Procedure Dependent Variable: x Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr F Model 5 444.350000...
Number of observations Number of missing values Skewness Kurtosis Student's t Probability of t Coefficient of variation Corrected sum of squares Uncorrected sum of squares 观测数 缺失数 偏度 峰度 t 检验值 p值 变异系数 校正平方和 未校平方和 选择输出统计量平均值、方差、极差,如图 3-4 右所示。两...
Minimum number of observations in a leaf(default = 1) Observations required for a split search. 该选项保证划分的结点都有观测数据,并且对于比该项指定的观测值还要少的结点不进行继续划分 Maximum number of branches from a node(default= 2)
Number of observations in data set = 120 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure Dependent Variable: R1 Tests of Hypotheses using the Anova MS for A*B as an error term Tests of Hypotheses using the Anova MS for B*C as an error term ...
nobs num label='Number of Physical Observations', obslen num label='Observation Length', nvar num label='Number of Variables', protectchar(3) label='Type of Password Protection', compresschar(8) label='Compression Routine', encryptchar(8) label='Encryption', ...
4、 水平数 具体值 TRT 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of observations in data set = 30 数据集中有30个观察值Dependent Variable: Y 依变量名为y Sum of MeanSource DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F变异来源 自由度 平方和 均方 F值 概率值PModel 5 44.46300000 8.89260000 164.17 0.0001Error 24 1.3000000...