The length of a new variable is determined by the first reference in the DATA step, not by data values. In this case, of Type is determined by the value Fixed. The LENGTH statement is in the wrong place; it must be read before any reference to the variable in the DATA step. Count+...
其中样本均方根标准差 (Root-Mean-Square Total-Sample Standard Deviation)为1,样品间均方根 距离(Root-Mean-Square Distance Between Observations)为2.44949。 表8.2 Cluster History Number of Clusters Clusters Joined Freq Semipartial R-Square Pseudo F Pseudo Tie R-Square Statistic t-Squared 29 OB23 OB...
Which of the following statements selects from a data set only those observations for which the value of the variable Style is RANCH, SPLIT, or TWOSTORY? 3. Correct answer: d In the WHERE statement, the IN operator enables you to select observations based on several values. You specify ...
Numberofobservationsindataset=20? ;SNK法两两比较结果: Student-Newman-Keulstestforvariable:X ?NOTE:ThistestcontrolsthetypeIexperimentwiseerrorrateunderthecompletenullhypothesisbutnotunderpartialnullhypotheses. ?Alpha=0.05df=16MSE=0.251823误差均方 NumberofMeans234均数间相隔组数 ...
The erase/create process is not a zero cost one, so the smaller the more numerous the BY groups are, the more it slows does the processing; however, the smaller is the largest BY group, the smaller is the memory footprint.) 2. The SAS data set WORK.CHECK has a variable named Id_...
WORK.C 数据集名 Response Variable: Y 反应变量Y Response Levels: 2 反应变量水平数2 Number of Observations: 40 观察值40 Link Function: Logit 联系函数logit Response Profile 反应变量的描述 Ordered 顺序值 Value Y Count 计数值 1 1 17 2 0 23 Deviance and Pearson Goodness-of-Fit Statistics 模型的...
②、END=variable 定义一个变量, 作为文件结束的标志。 ③、EOF=label 是一个语句标号, 当 INFILE 语句读到文件末尾时, 作为隐含的 GOTO 语句的目标。 ④、LENGHT=variable 定义一个变量, 其值是当前输入数据行的长度。 ⑤、FIRSTOBS=linenumber 要求从指定的行开始读取数据, 而不是从文件的第一个记录开始。
34、n Class Levels Values C 4 1 2 3 4 Number of observations in data set = 20,在class语句中规定的分组变量名 分组变量的水平数 分组变量的取值,Dependent Variable: X Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr F 变异来源 自由度 离均差平方和 均方 F值 P值 模型 Model 3 8.43376000 2....
Beginning with SAS 9, the SORTCUT= system option can be used to specify thenumber of observationsabove which the host sort utility is used instead of the SAS sortutility. OPTIONS SORTCUT=n/nK/nM/nG/MIN/MAX/hexX; 5.4:Using theSORTNAME=System Option ...
TOTAL=variable specifies the variable for either the population-time (STAT=RATE) or the number of observations (STAT=RISK) in the study data set. REFERENCE Statement REFERENCE < options > ; The REFERENCE statement specifies the information in the reference data set. This statement is required ...