Values returned by SAS functions might be truncated. Although values returned by macro functions are not limited to the length imposed by the DATA step, values returned by SAS functions do have that limitation. Reference :%SYSFUNC and %QSYSFUNC Functions :: SAS(R) 9.3 Macro Language: Reference...
可以依照作用时间将上述quoting function分成两类:compliation function和execution function。前者的mask作用发生在编译期间,后者发生在运行期间。关于编译和运行的概念,这里不深入讨论了,仅提供一个例子: %macro getMaxVal(indata, invar); /* returns maxium value of a variable from a dataset*/ %if %symexist(...
关于Quoting Function的例子大概就讲这么多了。从这些例子中,可以看到一旦宏变量被任一quoting function作用之后,再次引用该宏变量就无需再次使用quoting function了。这表明,屏蔽的作用是持续的,这一点我们也多次在例子中利用SASHELP.VMACRO证明了(屏蔽作用实际上是以字符替代的形式存储起来的)。作为这个topic的结尾,下...
%NRSTR %NRSTR函数的功能与%STR函数是一样的,只不过在%STR的基础上,还能隐藏%和&两个Macro Trigger的功能,使其跟普通字符一样。NR为Not Resolved的简写,即不解析宏变量和宏程序(后文中带有NR的函数都是此意义) Macro Function wih Quoting 具有Quoting功能的函数:%QSCAN、%QSUBSTR、%QSYSFUNC、%QUPCASE。...
When a macro code contains, for example, ; (semi colon) sign, macro processor sees it as the end of SAS or macro statement rather than text. This might yield unintended result when you do not mean to end the statement. Macroquoting functions come to rescue from this situation by treating...
SAS Macro Language 2: Advanced Techniques This course covers macro quoting functions, macro storage, and macro techniques for advanced data access, table lookup operations, advanced parameter validation, and macro windows. 有编辑权的培训师:SyphusStacey...
Re: Macro quoting functions Posted 06-15-2015 09:19 PM (1679 views) | In reply to SASSLICK001 You can use the DEQUOTE() function to remove the quotes. Also has the advantage or de-duping the doubled up embedded quotes and also working fine when the values does not contain quotes...
%* Create a macro array from a delimited list of items %* %* This macro relies on SAS rx* functions to handle quoted items. %* However, there are some problems with how the rx* system handles macro quoting tokens. Thus not ready for primetime. ...
RUN_MACRO Run! With PROC FCMP and the RUN_MACRO Function from SAS® 9.2, Your SAS® Programs Are All Grown Up Paper 034-2013: Bruce Lund, Marketing Associates, LLC ; Steven Raimi, Magnify Analytic Solutions A Flock of C-Stats, or Efficiently Computing Multiple Statistics for Hundreds of...
Purrfectly Fabulous Feline Functions Paper 206-2010: Zheng, John Recursive SAS® Macro: A Fun Application Paper 207-2010: Traballi, Rogerio C.; Makiya, Ieda K. Research in Agriculture Paper 208-2010: Islam, Farhad SAS® for Green Energy Solutions in Smart Electric Grid Systems Paper ...