I've the macro variable value separated by commas. I want the each value to be enclosed with single quote while I use in program. Currently it's not working as it is enclosing with one quote for all the values instead of each value to be separated by single quote. I cannot control th...
the macro processor doesn’t check for macros inside single quotes. To get around this, simply usedouble quotesfor titles or other quoted strings that contain macro code. 使用%LET 代替text %LET宏语句功能:分配一个值给一个宏变量。 simply assigns a value to a macro variable. Suppose you have ...
SAS will not resolve a macro variable within single quotes. It is also possible to derive the state name from two letter state postal code. You may like this better because testing the code goes faster when you have less to type. In that case, you would first define a macro variable (...
Every time you use these variables you must use a quote around the whole name immediately followed by the n to tell SAS the thing is indeed supposed to be a SAS variable name. Easiest to see and understand is the delimited text such as @LeonidBatkhan shows. If you have a...
76 %put &value; Testing Manager, Quality-driven User Experience Testing You can also use the XLSX engine to create and update XLSX files. libnamexlout XLSX'/folders/myfolders/samples.xlsx';dataxlout.cars;setsashelp.cars;run;dataxlout.classfit;setsashelp.classfit;run;dataxlout.baseball;set...
the macro processor doesn’t check for macros inside single quotes. To get around this, simply usedouble quotesfor titles or other quoted strings that contain macro code. 使用%LET 代替text %LET宏语句功能:分配一个值给一个宏变量。 simply assigns a value to a macro variable. ...
Since you are doing this in macro world you need to use %SYSFUNC() and remove the quotes around the character arguments to INTNX(). You can use the DEQUOTE() function as a easy trick to get the values inside of single quotes instead of double quotes. %LET BPRD = %sysfunc(dequote("...
I now put a space into the statement :SEPARATED BY ' '. Then I ran the code again: DATA libl.have_kopie; /*this is the dataset, whose variable formats i want to correct. INFORMAT &textvar $300.; FORMAT &textvar $300.; RUN; and I got the note: the variable... is...
Since you are doing this in macro world you need to use %SYSFUNC() and remove the quotes around the character arguments to INTNX(). You can use the DEQUOTE() function as a easy trick to get the values inside of single quotes instead of double quotes. %LET BPRD = %sysfunc(dequote("...
You need to put double quotes around macro variables to get them to resolve: outfile="F:\data\EUR_USD_201517_&secs.sec.csv" 1 Like NewSASuser2018 Obsidian | Level 7 Re: Saving dataset within a macro where the name is flexible Posted 04-27-2018 05:49 AM (701 views...