在包含了众多其他信息的f1数据集中,我们先定义了varname和pctc这2个变量的类型及长度,varname为提取出分析变量的名称(该名称与连续变量部分的varname保持一致),pctc为频数百分比通过括号合并后的信息。“if RowPercent ne . ”筛选出RowPerce...
(The number of SCALE= variables, &nsca, does not equal the number of VAR= variables, &nvar); %end; %end; %mend in; %macro stdmsg(option,method); %put WARNING: The &option option does not apply to METHOD=&method..; %let &option=0; %mend; %global _stdize_; %let _stdize_=...
实现宏程序如下: data base;set sashelp.class;run;data comp;set sashelp.class;if_n_=1thenheight=100;label weight="W";run;%macroCompare(base=,comp=,outres=,outdif=);proc compare base=&base.comp=&comp.out=&outdif outbase outcomp outnoequal outdif;run;**Getcompare reslult code;%let ...
It will also accept the keyword NOT. Or the mnemonic NE (for not equal). But if your variables are intended as binary flags and have only been assigned values of 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE) or any missing value (also FALSE) then you can just treat the variables themselves as bo...
If both data values are equal then the result is 1 else it is 0. (V1 = 8) gives 1. ^= The NOT EQUAL Operator. If both data values are unequal then the result is 1 else it is 0. (V1 ^= V2) gives 1. < The LESS THAN Operator. (V2 < V2) gives 1. <= The LESS THAN ...
SAS Macro Language, Reference Presents information about the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Its governing bodies; Functions of the Commission; How the EEO... CSI Incorporated - SAS Publishing 被引量: 143发表: 1999年 The adjusted rand statistic: A SAS macro The macro...
%LET语句语法:%LET macro-variable-name = value; 例如: %LETiterations=5;%LETwinner=Lance Armstrong; Notice that there areno quotation marksaroundvalueeven when it contains characters.Blanks at the beginning and end will be trimmed, andeverythingelsebetween the equal sign and semicolonwill become ...
Macro Return Codes 如果在一次比较中,以上16种情形出现不止一个,那么SAS会输出各出现情形对应Code值的求和。 举例1,变量值不同: database;setsashelp.class;run;data comp;setsashelp.class;if_n_=1then height=100;run;proc comparebase=basecomp=comp;run;%letcomres=&sysinfo.;%putCompareresulst code:...
Why .1 + .1 Might Not Equal .2 and Other Pitfalls of Floating-Point ArithmeticReporting and Information Visualization (Download entire section)Paper 276-2011: Schulz, Falko Interactive Geospatial Analysis with SAS Portal: How to Use SAS® Real-Time Processes to Dynamically Integrate with Google...