Since you never got to the first submit that's trying to run code and get the log back, I wonder if the SAS process ever really started or if there's some other Python thing happening that's problematic. Here's what I walked through, and I set breakpoints at the places I want to ...
indicates the existence of a macro variable. SYMGLOBL indicates whether a macro variable has global scope in the DATA step during DATA step execution. SYMLOCAL indicates whether a macro variable has local scope in the DATA step during DATA step execution. The following mathematical functions are n...
if inlist(var_a,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) or a list of string values: if inlist(state,"NC","AZ","TX","NY","MA","CA","NJ") Stata has a limit of 10 arguments to inlist() (which includes the string variable) when the arguments are strings. More than one variable can...
Also, the ioc->chain_depth need to be changed from a 16bit to 32bit variable because the number of chains will exceed 64k when the queue depth is large. • CQ 113748 - SLES11 RC6 Kernel dump upon cable removal: There is a bug in the SLES 11 kernel enclosure services driver called...
The URL macro variable is used to avoid an overly long INFILE statement. You can provide the default macros and macro variables by running the following macro: %ProvideSurvivalMacros Running this macro provides the default macros and macro variables (or restores them if you have previously ...
DATE1 is just a five character string to the macro processor. What actual DATE are you trying to reference here? If it is a macro variable DATE1 (which I don't see any place where you have defined such a macro variable) then use &DATE1. If it is the value of a variable in you...
If any of the selected atoms has refinable or fixed occupancy, a new variable is added with value 1/(number of given atoms), otherwise already used variable is used with weight of 1.0. Also look at part command. Example: If 3 atoms (A1, A2, A3) are selected this command will ...
If the SCAN or KSCAN function returns a value to a variable that has not yet been given a length, then that variable is given the length of the first argument. The DATE , DATETIME, TIME, and TODAY functions return date and time values for the time zone that is specified by the TIME...
if diags{_n_} in : (&dc2) then found=1; end; run; Obviously, this depends on having set up a macro variable &DC2. But you could just as easily hard-code the list of values within the program if necessary. The key is the colon. The comparison operator in : will ...
(&TO)),"+"," ")); %if &QUESTION=1 %then %let QUESTION=%nrstr(&tude[]=%3F); %else %let QUESTION=%nrstr(&tude[]=); 8 SAS Global Forum 2011 Social Media and Networking /*Define a macro variable "search" to create the search string from parameters*/ %let search=%nrstr(q=&...