The timing of macro functions and data steps is an issue. I would suggest looking at this code and see if this is getting what you want. %let classvars = locale2 key2 lineno2 text2; %let ndims=%sysfunc(countw(&classvars,%str( ))); data test(); set sashelp.aacom...
SAS functions incorrectly resolve when creating a keyword parameter within a macro definition during macro compilation.
The data step language component of the SASSystem has always been rich in the variety functions available to the programmer. There are currentlyclose to 200 functions available in the data step. In fact, the SAS Language Guide lists 14 differentcategories of functions. Even with all this at ...
text. You learn to use macro functions to manipulate text, and how to use both PROC SQL and the DATA step to create macro variables based on values read from your data. You also learn how to use indirect referencing to look up a macro variable's value based on another macro variable. ...
SAS高级编程技能之SQL & Macro系列录播课程,本课程为SAS高级编程课程,课程包含16节视频课+所有课件/程序/数据集等资料,旨在提高学员SAS编程技能,是提升学员的工作能力的强化课程。视频时长:11小时11分钟 24秒 购课赠送:21节SAS初级编程系列课程(含视频/程序/课件/数据等)本...
Function and macro names are identical, except for special cases Prefixes:mcf_ The fcmp macros are used to generate fcmp functions, and can be used with or without theproc fcmpwrapper. LUA folder Wait - this is a macro library - what is LUA doing here? Well, it is a little known fa...
Purrfectly Fabulous Feline Functions Paper 206-2010: Zheng, John Recursive SAS® Macro: A Fun Application Paper 207-2010: Traballi, Rogerio C.; Makiya, Ieda K. Research in Agriculture Paper 208-2010: Islam, Farhad SAS® for Green Energy Solutions in Smart Electric Grid Systems Paper ...
Using SAS® Macro Functions to Manipulate Data The SAS DATA step has the reputation for being one of the best data manipulators in the IT world. While the author of this paper agrees with this statement, it is possible to go beyond the capabilities of the DATA step by using SAS Macro....
%macrotest; %put This is a "Balk Hole"test; %put *** %str(Gu's Wechat) ***; %mend ; %test /*以下代码不管怎么运行就是没反应啊*/ proc print data=sashelp.class; run; 怎么破?运行下面代码,可以跳出来! '); %mend; 其实,这个示例还是比较...
13.Use SAS functions to convert character data to numeric and vice versa. 14.Process data using DO LOOPS. 15.Restructure SAS data sets with PROC TRANSPOSE. 16.Use macro variables to simplify program maintenance. Error Handling 17.Identify and resolve programming logic errors. ...