Debugging SAS ® code in a macrodata two;set one;array xall x1-x3;do i=1 to 3;xall(i) = xall(i) + 100;end;do i=1 to 4;xall(i) = xall(i) + 1000;end; run;Bruce GilsenFederal Reserve BoardWashington
I want to run the following code in SAS: /* Call %MULT macro for group x Time means */ proc glimmix data=Lentil_groups ; class factorA Time rep; model Yield= factorA|Time / ddfm=kr; /* Random effects to account for */ random intercept /subject=rep type=ar(1)...
&sysindex : Contains the number of macros that have started execution in the current SAS job or session. You can use SYSINDEX in a program that uses macros when you need a unique number that changes after each macro invocation. 当宏调用时,会自动产生这个变量,&sysindex的值在调用不同宏时都...
1 Creating data output using a macro do loop in SAS 0 Matching on multiple variables; SAS macro do loop when using _n_ as a variable 3 SAS Loop through list of macro variable 1 How to replace rows with latest date in SAS 0 SAS data step view and data wrap in a macro for...
I am new to SAS and perhaps naively trying to mimic building macros as function in SAS. I have multiple macro variables which are initiated from a stored process. Some might have values, while others might be empty. %let a1 = column_name1; %let a2 = column_name2; ...
tool: SAS software ref: 借我一生:SAS系列15——SAS宏功能 深入解析SAS:宏编程(条件语句、循环语句) 一、宏概述 个人理解macro这个是面向过程的SAS语言面向对象编程的一小步。有一点点类似于R语言中的function函数,或者python中的自定义class,为了提高编程效率,macro是不得不学习的内容。
From SAS code to SAS macro Step 1 Before converting your program into a macro, make sure the code works. It is a lot easier to debug your code without having to debug the macro too. In fact, it is always good practice to design your code and make sure it works before introducing ...
● Perform text substitution in SAS code. ● Use macro variables and macro functions. ● Automate and customize the production of SAS code. ● Conditionally or iteratively construct SAS code. ● Write self-modifying, data-driven programs.
但是根据上面的流程图,SAS是先判断你的code中是否存在宏引用,所以SAS在你程序编译之前(换句话说就是在PDV创建之前),就先运行了%let,但是这时候age变量或者age的值都是不存在的,所以用%let并不能生成宏变量。 我觉得上面的这个流程真的很重要,对于你debug宏程序有很大的帮助。
Attendees learn how to process statements containing macros; replace text strings with macro variables; generate SAS code using macros; manipulate macro variable values with macro functions; handle global and local variables; construct arithmetic and logical expressions; interface the macro language with ...