可以暂时成为macro program和macro function 4.macro program 1.定义 A macro is a larger piece of a program that may contain complex logic including complete DATA and PROC steps and macro statements such as %DO, %END, and %IF-%THEN/%ELSE.(macro statement是macro的一部分,需要被%macro和%mend包...
Also the macro has been implemented as a macro function so that it ends up working just like an operator. The crossover from function to operator is made possible by the fact that these structures can often be used inter- changeably. In the paper, the interchangeability is demonstrated and ...
There are two programming tools that I rarely use: the SAS macro language and recursion. The SAS macro language is a tool that enables you to generate SAS statements. I rarely use the SAS macro language because the SAS IML language supports all the functionality required to write complex progr...
个人体会:考高级还是要以看书为主,若能把Pro guide advance and SAS On 10、lineTutor 9.1 Advanced Programming 完整的看一遍,再把考题融会贯通,还是有可能靠高分的。advanced programmer,我认为重点是:PROC SQL,PROC DATASETS,SAS/MACRO总共也大概是800页的内容,有许多example可以练习。都看完肯定就可以过70%了...
2. Macro也不少,30% 3. Optimization and others大概25% 呵呵,和base不同的是,survey在前面。 ProcSQL内容基本都函括了,其实比较基础,但是你必须搞清除每一个操作,比如index和view。还有index的优化,使用的condition。其中还有主要的就是ProcSQL和data set的比较,一定要非常清除,比如full joint, left joint这些集...
First, you have not shown us a macro, because there is no %MACRO statement. So that needs to be corrected. When code doesn't work, saying "it doesn't work" and not providing more details is never helpful. We need to see the evidence that it doesn't work, that evidence is likely ...
%let macro-variable=value; ¯o-variable %->创建宏观变量 &->使用宏观变量 这样我们修改条件时,只需要修改宏观变量就行 3. 规范化数据 (1) 规范列 每个列如果只是数字的话很难发现这个数字代表了什么,所以我们要规范列里的数值。比如说:日期写成日期的专属格式,工资写成带货币符号等 ...
SAS(R) 9.3 Macro Language: ReferenceTell us...How satisfied are you with SAS documentation?Thank you for your feedback. Please choose a rating. How satisfied are you with SAS documentation overall? Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither dissatisfied or satisfied (OR neutral) Satisfied Very satisfied...
In the WHERE statement, the IN operator enables you to select observations based on several values. You specify values in parenthesis ans separated by spaces or commas. Character values must be enclosed in quotation marks and must be in the same case as in the data set. ...