Mike K Smith
This can be combined withproc format, or it can be just done in the data step if that makes more sense - if your ranges are all groups of 5, for example, this may be easier to just do math to come up with the values. Here's an example of both:...
ERROR 159-185: Null parameters for SUM are invalid. This happens at the last else do statement. I can't for the life of me figure out why won't sas be able to read a simple if-then-do-else statement. Is there an error in the if conditions or in calling the macro variable? Any ...
Several data privacy developments have created a lot of hype about the GDPR in recent years. One notable example is the invalidation of Safe Harbor, a mechanism enabling data transfers between the EU and the US that’s been replaced by the Privacy Shield. Some organiza...
If you SET the table with the longer length and format first, then the result has the longer format. No problems or warnings with that, because you can always fit the smaller values into a larger space, just not vice versa. Sometimes you don't know all of the attributes of your input...
Automatic Naming: If you do not specify a SAS data set name or using _NULL_ in DATA statement, SAS automatically creates a data set with the names DATA1, DATA2 and so on to WORK or USER library. This is called DATAn naming convention; data;Course...
will quickly review the logic of power calculations and give examples of SAS syntax typically used in a pharmaceutical setting. Finally, it will present a table that compares the features of SAS to several power calculating packages. It is hoped that this table can be used to determine if SAS...
SAS URI to Azure Storage as part of a request. Then, the service checks the SAS parameters and the signature to verify that it is valid. If the service verifies that the signature is valid, then the request is authorized. Otherwise, the request is declined with error code 403 (Forbidde...
The mouse and the keyboard are being replaced with gesture, swipe, touch and speech, ushering in a renewed interest in AI and deep learning. Several developments are now advancing deep learning: Analytical improvements have boosted the performance of deep-learning methods. New machine learning ...