第四题是要拟合核密度,也是用histgram中的选项kernel即可。 第五题是分别画出南北两部分的三维图,这个可以选用if语句,构建两个不同的SAS数据集,然后分别画三维的密度函数图,下面是简单的尝试。 data water1; set water; if location="north" then delete; data water2; set water; if location="south" then...
data dataset; set input_dataset; if y = 0 then x = 0; else x = 1; run; 在上面的代码中,我们使用IF语句来判断y的值。如果y等于0,则将x设置为0,否则将x设置为1。这样,我们就根据条件设置了等于0或1的变量x。 SAS是一种功能强大的统计分析软件,广泛应用于数据分析、数据挖掘、商业智能等领域。腾...
1.1:The WHERE statement examines what is in the input page buffer and selects observations before they are loaded in the program data vector, which results in a savings in CPU operations(Where从buffer中进行筛选再读入pdv) The subsetting IF statement loads all observations sequentially into the pro...
sas条件判断语句where,if的区别,以及where选项 1:where和If最本质的区别,以及⼀些⼩的区别 1.1:The WHERE statement examines what is in the input page buffer and selects observations before they are loaded in the program data vector, which results in a savings in CPU operations(Where从buffer...
在DATA STEP 使用:构造子集 IF 语句.(subsetting IF statement) 语法: IF expression; 例: IF Sex = ' f ' ; IF expression; 这样的看起来有点怪,但是正确的. 表明:当expression 是TRUE时, SAS继续执行 DATA step。 如果expression 是 FALSE, 对当前observation不继续执行下面的语句,且,该observation不加入...
然后进行加法操作 比较运算符(">"、"<"等)则不同,操作数中只要有一个数字,
if 条件 then 执行语句; else if 条件 then 执行语句; else 执行语句; SAS中常用的比较、逻辑算符: (二)数据步中使用IF-THEN语句赋值 数据步中经常需要有选择地赋值新变量或修改原数值。 例1稀有古董汽车拍卖的数据文件(C:\MyRawData\Auction.dat)包含了品牌、型号、制造年份、座位数、价格(百万美元): ...
When the second if statement is reached, it is checked and found to be FALSE, so the else statement is run, setting elig_factor[2] to '0', despite having previously set it to '1'. So you have two options: Amend your code so it does what you want if (status eq '1' and hudadm...
ELSE IF attained_age > 94 then do; /* block 3*/ end; Is there a better way of writing this, with something likeSELECT...WHENfor example? I would prefer not to list all individual values of attained age in theWHENclauses though... ...
另外两种类型的宏不以%开头:命令型(command-style)和语句型(statement-style)。一般来说,以前缀开头的宏比没有前缀的宏优先级更高,因为更有效(宏处理器更快识别),且不易与SAS关键字混淆。 %INCLUDE、%LIST和%RUN语句不属于宏。 宏变量:宏变量名称带“&”符号前缀 1.2 局部宏变量与全局宏变量(根据作用范围的...