1、第第5章章 SAS语言语言主要内容主要内容常数运算符表达式函数程序结构概述分支结构循环结构数组常数常数SAS常数用来表示固定的值。它或者是一个数字,或者是用引号引起来的字符串、或者是其它特殊记号。SAS使用的常数有五种类型:v数值常数v字符常数v日期、时间和时期时间常数v十六进制数值常数v十六进制字符常数我们主要...
2、MIN( )求最小值MEAN( )求平均值SUM( )求和DIFn( )求给定变量X的第n阶差STD( )求标准差PROBNORM( )标准正态分布函数日期时间处理函数DATE( )/TODAY()取当日的日期值DAY( )计算某月的那一日HOUR( )计算小时TIME( )取当日的时间YEAR( )取年值字符函数INDEX( )搜寻字符串的位置LEFT( )字符串表达式...
SAS - Date & TimesIN SAS dates are a special case of numeric values. Each day is assigned a specific numeric value starting from 1st January 1960. This date is assigned the date value 0 and the next date has a date value of 1 and so on. The previous days to this date are ...
INTGET Function Returns a time interval based on three date or datetime values. INTINDEX Function Returns the seasonal index when a date, time, or datetime interval and value are specified. INTNX Function Increments a date, time, or datetime value by a given time interval, and returns a ...
divide=x/y;raise=x**y;str=str1||str2;运算符 关系运算符 操作符 LTGTEQLEGENEIN 符号 <>=<=>=^= 意义 小于(lessthan)大于(greaterthan)等于(equal)小于等于(lessequal)大于等于(greaterequal)不等于(notequal)等于列表中的一个 真为1,假为0 运算符 逻辑运算符 操作符符号意义 AND ...
In the past, this meant hours spent collecting information and collating it into spreadsheets, which were often out of date almost as soon as they were completed. Because of the manual processes, inconsistencies in data and the significant amount of time and resources required to collate the ...
The SAS is invalid after the user delegation key expires, so a SAS with an expiry time of greater than seven days will still only be valid for seven days. For more information, see Use Microsoft Entra credentials to secure a SAS. The Allowed IP addresses field is optional and specifies ...
You can also notice the below code is commented, This means you can assign Death date or last contact date if imputed is greater then death or last contact date. This makes your imputation more robust as imputation can not be greater than the death date or last contact date. ...
Nothing other than the XDATE format we created was used to produce this. So where can you go wrong? First, remember that you cannot translate date values with time or datetime formats. Since we are working with date values here, make sure that you have defined the DATATYPE correctly (line...
if start_date < hdada_startdt then hdada_startdt = start_date;if stop_date > hdada_stoptdt then hdada_stoptdt = stop_date;* Save to final variables and output record;if last.patient then do;dada_startdt = hdada_startdt;dada_stoptdt = hdada_stoptdt;output;...