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This Publication This publication summarises some of the differences between IFRS and PRC GAAP. For this purpose, we include in PRC GAAP mainly the requirements of the law, CAS, the Accounting Systems for Business Enterprises and for Financial Institutions developed by the MOF, and the regulations...
The difference between a RIF and RRIF A RIF is a general term for the various retirement accounts. There’s also something called a RRIF, or Registered Retirement Income Fund, which is a specific type of account with lots of rules. Sometimes financial institutions say RIF when they mean RRIF...
disagreementbetweentelecommunicationcompaniesandconsumersover datapackageswilllast,since,accordingtomediareports,the measurementofdatausageisdifficulttotrack.Companiesareusing “userprivacy^^toavoidgivingoutanyinformation. Butreadingthroughthecompaniespostedonlinebycellphoneusers, wecansensethepublic'sdistrustofstate-owned...
What’s more, the difference between “on write” and “on read” isn’t simply a matter of semantics. On the contrary, the latter lends itself to vastly faster response times and, by extension, analytics. That’s one viewpoint and I happen to agree with it. To be fair, we ...
For the second method, the difference in VI between the hazard year and the hazard-free year is a combination of the crop response to the hazard damage and interannual variations of climatic conditions and phenological stages. Therefore, it is challenging to quantify the real effect of a hazard...
The active optical sensors (OAS), such as "OptRx", can be mounted on mobile platforms and associated with a GNSS (global navigation satellite systems), antenna [10], and used to measure NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index; Equation (1), which is the normalized difference between the...