Re: How to call macro variable within a looping code Posted 09-24-2024 07:33 AM (1216 views) | In reply to PeterClemmensen I'd say, with OP setup there is no need for macro variables. The PUTN which @PeterClemmensen mentioned is all is needed: data df1; a = .; b=1.2...
了解SAS do loop的同学都知道,do loop只能放在data step中。这令很多来自于其他编程语言的同学不太习惯,如果我想循环执行某个proc step该怎么操作呢?这里call execute就能派上用场啦。 下面的内容大部分来自于这篇博客,以及作者的理解:
实际上,macro在执行当中遇到宏变量需要解析的时候,会遵循就近原则,优先解析该作用域内的宏变量,如果该作用域内不存在该宏变量,则向上递归查找该宏变量,直至最外层,如果找不到则在当前作用域内创建该宏变量。 可以利用SASHELP这个library当中的view - VMACRO来验证: %let nobs = 19; %macro chgNObs(); %let ...
SAS宏Do循环是一种在SAS编程中使用的循环结构,它允许重复执行一段代码块,以便处理大量的数据或执行重复的任务。SAS宏是一种宏语言,用于在SAS程序中定义和调用可重复使用的代码块。 SAS宏Do循环的基本语法如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 %macro macro_name; %do index=start_value %to end_value %by increment; /*...
SAS数据集的元数据信息保存在SAS字典中,这里我以Data步中的call symputx语句进行举例。 变量数目保存到宏变量中: ***Getthe number of vairiables;data tmp1;setsashelp.vtable;wherelibname="WORK"and memname="CLASS";callsymputx("nvar",strip(put(nvar,best.)));run;%put nvar=&nvar.; ...
o or O processes the second and third arguments once rather than every time the COMPRESS function is called. Using the O modifier in the DATA step (excluding WHERE clauses), or in the SQL procedure, can make COMPRESS run much faster when you call it ...
ThinkSystem 430-x SAS/SATA 12Gb HBA update BIOS and Firmware (For Linux) 82.052 MB mpt3.5.430- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (64-bit) SUSE Enterprise Linux Server 15 (64-bit) Platform SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (64-bit) ...
data=have2 out=have3 prefix=C_;by&pktpt.&group.;var&pkorres.;id&subjid.;run;/*获取循环次数:受试者个数、以及受试者名称并赋值给宏变量*/proc sql noprint;selectcount(distinct&subjid.)into:_loop from&inds.;select distinct&subjid.into:name1-:name%left(&_loop.)from&inds.order by&...
This 8 option is to set the number of iterations of each tuning 6 loop to zero, that is, 'ntu ¼ 0'. However, without the tuning process, the MCMC sampler may requires an 4 even longer chain to reach the stationary distribution. Therefore, it is not advised to skip the tuning step...
- Buildkit is modified to install Out of box rpm also in '/lib/modules/4.4.0+2/updates' and also RPM naming convention has been changed to match the inbox driver naming convention.(SCGCQ01318375) - Disable ASPM for MPI2 controllers(SCGCQ01329184) ...