0 For a school assignment I am required to use a do-loop within a macro in SAS to transpose data. Currently each year is a separate variable along the top of my dataset. I need the year to be a single variable going down on the left side of my dataset. %macro school_transpose;...
Not entirely sure where you are going with: "input various value of r, n, a and b.", but in either way as @PaigeMiller has stated, datastep loop and in fact all programming is better done in Base SAS, and only use Macro where it really adds value for the amount of effort it is...
Dani_Gor SAS Employee Re: Do loop in macro Posted 07-08-2021 04:49 AM (2790 views) | In reply to David_Billa In the program written the output statement is written outside the do loop. For this reason the code suggested looks like this one:data Calculation;set uu;mac=cats('A...
SAS宏Do循环问题 SAS宏Do循环是一种在SAS编程中使用的循环结构,它允许重复执行一段代码块,以便处理大量的数据或执行重复的任务。SAS宏是一种宏语言,用于在SAS程序中定义和调用可重复使用的代码块。 SAS宏Do循环的基本语法如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 %macro macro_name; %do index=start_value %to end_value %by...
大佬们,我刚学sas,想请教一个简单的问题,括号里这个%macroimport;%do i =1%to13;proc import datafile="导入路径\day_stock &i."(为什么&i后面不能加dbf,否则会重复)out=stock&idbms=dbf replace;quit;%end;%mend;%import; 巡山的大王@ 高级粉丝 3 你这里指的dbf应该是文件格式,试试再加一个点看看能...
这是我的sas程序: %let path=\\xxxx.yy.pt\aaa$\INFO\; %let initial_year=2019; %let initial_month=2; %let final_year=2021; %let final_month=1; %Macro import_loop; %if &final_month >= &initial_month %then %do; %DO x = &initial_year %TO &final_year; %DO i = &initial_mon...
LIBNAME IN '.\DATA'; %MACRO MM; DATA _NULL_; %DO I=3 %TO 60 %BY 3; %IF %EVAL(&I)=3 OR %EVAL(&I)=6 OR %EVAL(&I)=12 OR %EVAL(&I)=24 OR %EVAL(&I)=36 OR %EVAL(&I)=48 OR %EVAL(&I)=60 %THEN %DO;
sas do-loops Share Improve this question Follow asked Sep 30, 2014 at 15:36 user2568648 3,16199 gold badges3838 silver badges5252 bronze badges Add a comment 2 Answers Sorted by: 2 Two paths you can go by... 1.Macro %macro do_loop; data DEFBIS.Taux_fec_2006_2010; set DEF...
You can also use this technique to compute four macro variables to use in generatinga uniformly spaced grid of values. If you are doing the computation in the SAS/IML language, no macro variables are required because you can easily compute the minimum and maximum values as part of the progra...