11、WEEKDAY函数从SAS日期值返回对应于星期几的整数。 WEEKDAY Function From a SAS date value, returns an integer that corresponds to the day of the week. The WEEKDAY function produces an integer that represents the day of the week, where 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, …, 7 = Saturday. 四、...
MON:以三位英文筒写字符显示月份(例如:YYMON. >>> 2017JAN) DOWNAME:Day of Week,工作日名称 MONNAME:月份名称 部分SAS日期时间格式末尾字符含义: C:代表Colon,连接符为 :(例如:YYMMC6. >>> 2017:01) D:代表Dash,连接符为 -(例如:YYMMD6. >>> 2017-01) P:代表Period,连接符为 .(例如:YYMMP6....
DAY:日 HOUR:小时 MINUTE:分钟 SECOND:秒 DTW(Day of the Week):周几 DTM(Day of the Month):月中的第几天 DTY(Day of the Year):年中的第几天 start和end分别表示起始日期或时间和结束日期或时间,可以是SAS日期值、SAS时间值或SAS日期时间值。
weekday函数从SAS日期值返回对应于星期几的整数。 weekday Function From a SAS date value, returns an integer that corresponds to the day of the week. The WEEKDAY function produces an integer that represents the day of the week, where 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, …, 7 = Saturday. 四、日期...
day = day(sasdt); return day of the sas date/ (8)qtr function; qtr = qtr(sasdt); /return 季度 of the sas date/ (9)weekday function; wkd=weekday(sasdt); /*return day of the week of the sas date */ (10)week function; ...
day = day(sasdt); return day of the sas date/ (8)qtr function; qtr = qtr(sasdt); /return 季度 of the sas date/ (9)weekday function; wkd=weekday(sasdt); /*return day of the week of the sas date */ (10)week function; ...
SAS学习系列08. 日期时间数据及 数据格式
datejulday将日期数值day转化为julian日期值today返回今天的日期数值mdymmddyy将月mm日dd年yy转化为日期数值daydate返回日期数值的日monthdate返回日期数值的月112yeardate返回日期数值的年qtrdate返回日期数值的季14weekdaydate返回日期数值是周几1星期日yrdifdate1date2age计算两个日期的年龄差例 08.日期时间数据及数据...
Day of week Flight no Departure/Arrival Copenhagen-Seattle D14567 * SK937 13:10-14:00 Seattle-Copenhagen D14567 * SK938 16:20-10:50 (+1) * D13567 from 21 May to 25 June 2025 SAS pressrelease SAS is pleased to announce that the airline is now able to strengthen its domestic operatio...
该计算方式和区域相关,对zh_CN区域,2020年第一周条件:从周日开始的完整7天,2020年包含1天即 可。