11、WEEKDAY函数从SAS日期值返回对应于星期几的整数。 WEEKDAY Function From a SAS date value, returns an integer that corresponds to the day of the week. The WEEKDAY function produces an integer that represents the day of the week, where 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, …, 7 = Saturday. 四、...
(7)day function ; day = day(sasdt); return day of the sas date/ (8)qtr function; qtr = qtr(sasdt); /return 季度 of the sas date/ (9)weekday function; wkd=weekday(sasdt); /*return day of the week of the sas date */ (10)week function; wkd=week(sasdt); /*返回日期变量...
weekday函数从SAS日期值返回对应于星期几的整数。 weekday Function From a SAS date value, returns an integer that corresponds to the day of the week. The WEEKDAY function produces an integer that represents the day of the week, where 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, …, 7 = Saturday. 四、日期...
INDEX Function Searches a character expression for a string of characters, and returns the position of the string’s first character for the first occurrence of the string. INDEXC Function Searches a character expression for any of the specified characters, and returns the position of that characte...
A finite set of formatted values cannot be produced from the format. Use the Weekday function on the date to create a new variable and do the analysis on that. And a custom format to map the number back to days of the week. 2 Likes Reply Quentin Super User Re: PROC FR...
weeknumber = week(date_var); run; How to Calculate Week Number of Month The following code uses the intck function to calculate the number of weeks between the beginning of the month and the given date. The intnx function is used to find the first day of the month ('B' option stands...
9、obs; format date YYMMDD10.; Run; 解答: data _null_; weekday=weekday(12JUL2007d); put weekday=; run; 2. 数学函数 ABS (x) :求x的绝对值 Mod (x,y) :求x/y的余数 MAX (x1,x2,x3,xn):求最大值 MIN (x1,x2,x3,xn):求最小值 SQRT(x):求x的算术平方根 LOG(x):求x 的自...
data ; length Name $ 4 Month $ 3 Status $ 7; infile '' dlm=','; input Name $ Month $ @; if Month='FEB' then input Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Status $; else if Month='MAR' then input Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5 Status $; format Week1-Week5 dollar6.; run; proc print...
本文用 moment.js 实现了获取本周、前 n 周、后 n 周开始结束日期,即周一、周日日期的方法。...当 i=1,获取的是上周一和上周日的日期;当 i=2,获取的是上上周一和上上周日的日期 ...以此类推 @param i */ getLastWeek(i) { let weekOfDay...当 i=1,获取的是下周一和下周日的日期;当 i=2,...
CATX Function Removes leading and trailing blanks, inserts delimiters, and returns a character string. CHAR Function Returns a single character from a specified position in a character string. CHOOSEC Function Returns a character value that represents the results of choosing from a list of argume...