In a DATA step, if the SUBSTR (right of =) function returns a value to a variable that has not previously been assigned a length, then that variable is given the length of the first argument. The SUBSTR function returns a portion of an expression tha...
usingadvancedDATAstepprogrammingstatementsandefficiencytechniquestosolve complexproblems,writingandinterpretingSASSQLcode,andcreatingandusingtheSAS MACROfacility.Candidatesshouldalsobefamiliarwiththeenhancementsandnew functionalitythatareavailableinSAS9. ExamDetails ...
Just because you are using CAS actions doesn't mean you can forget about the powerful SAS DATA step. The dataStep.runCode CAS action is here! Welcome back to my SAS Users blog series CAS Action! - a series on fundamentals. I've broken the series into logical, consumable parts. If you...
SAS has the ability to read raw data directly from FTP servers. Normally, you would use FTP to download the data to your local computer and then use SAS to read the data stored on your local computer. SAS allows you to bypass the FTP step and read the data directly from the other com...
Re: SAS to import multiple data where the file path&Name in Excel Posted 10-12-2020 11:27 AM (3582 views) | In reply to ChiefYuri I'd do this: import the Excel file In a DATA _NULL_ step: Use COMPRESS to convert the file name, which may include unacceptable c...
The OUTPUT Step The data from the data sets can be displayed with conditional output statements. Syntax PROC PRINT DATA = data_set; OPTIONS; RUN; Example The below example shows using the where clause in the output to produce only few records from the data set. PROC PRINT DATA = TEMP;...
Learning details of DATA step programming Subsetting and combining SAS data sets Understanding SAS functions and working with arrays Creating reports with PROC REPORT and PROC TABULATE Getting started with the SAS macro language Leveraging PROC SQL Generating high-quality graphics Using advanced features ...
1、SAS数据步导入数据终极汇总经典,一看就会 一、将数据录入SASDATA Step / Viewtable 1.Internal raw data- Datalines or Cards 命令; 2.External Raw data files- Infile 命令 + Input 命令;二、将数据文件读入SAS DATA Step / PROC IMPORT 1.将SAS文件读入SAS data sasuser.saslin; 2、; set "F:sas...
Data Visualization | Programming Tips Danny SprukulisJanuary 10, 2025 Utilizing SAS Viya’s Geocoding capabilities for multiple data configurations and languages SAS' Danny Sprukulis takes you step-by-step through geocoding incomplete geographic data sources for proper visualization and through its ...
将数据文件读入SAS ——DATA Step / PROC IMPORT 1.将SAS文件读入SAS—— data sasuser.saslin; set "F:\sas1.sas7bdat"; run; proc contents data=sasuser.saslin; run; 2.将其它形式文件导入成SAS ——PROC IMPORT / 直接读入其它形式文件