从输入源读取数据、处理数据、生成sas表格(reads data from an input source, processes it, and creates a SAS table) 还可以过滤行、计算新列、连接表和执行其他数据操作(A DATA step might also filter rows, compute new columns, join tables, and perform other data manipulations.) proc步作用: 在表格中...
When you submit a DATA step for execution, SASchecks the syntax of the SASstatements andcompiles them, that is, automatically translates the statements into machine code. SAS further processes the code, and creates the following three items 当向系统提交data步执行时,sas检验语法并进行编译(也就是...
data work.test; infile loan; input Code $1Amount3-10;ifcode='1'then type='variable';elseifcode='2'then type='fixed'; /*出现syntax error,data STEP compile,但是不executes, */elseput'MY NOTE: invalid value:'code=; run;
In a DATA step, if the LOWCASE function returns a value to a variable that has not previously been assigned a length, then that variable is given the length of the argument. The LOWCASE function copies the character argument, converts all uppercase lett...
(3)掌握宏变量创建的三种方式:%let, SQL, DATA STEP (4)掌握宏变量的间接引用 (5)掌握创建宏,引用宏,调试宏 ►Advanced techniques: (1)掌握数组的定义和使用 (2)掌握哈希对象的定义和使用 (3)掌握利用PROC FCMP创建函数 二、备考资料准备 第一种情况 ...
这几年论文写作与数据处理的经验告诉大猫:在Syntax(Readability)和Performance之间,大猫宁愿选择前者,这也是大猫现在从SAS阵营转战到R阵营的最大原因。 你会选择那种? 注意!下文中大猫指R的语法高效很大程度上基于data.table包,原生的R语法在大猫看来还是有些臃肿...
Data Management Techniques (DATA Step Programming) 1. SET options (SAS Syntax), Dataset options (SAS Syntax) 2. Merging Datasets / Lookup Techniques (1:1, 1:M) 3. FIRST. and LAST. values with multiple BY variables (SAS Syntax)
4:data values 1-->numeric values, store in the float-point format. 2-->character value, a sequence of characters. tricks: 0023的数据会被当做23读入, 读取数据不会储存空白区域。 想要将读入的字符全部大写显示,可以使用CAPS system optionor the$UPCASE informat. ...
(syntax)错误 漏打分号 语义(sementic)错误 引用一个不存在的数据集 函数的参数个数超范围 运行(execution-time)错误 分母为0 数据错误 将字符赋值给数值型变量 宏错误3.1.5 SAS程序错误44 程序工整 错列对齐 及时清空程序编辑器 编写注释 /*注释内容*/ 名称确切 查看日志SAS程序编写建议45Data record_export ;...
SAS Data Step 4 Combine Datasets SASDataStep --CombiningMultipleSASDataSets Content Overview Concatenation One-to-OneMergeMatchedMerge 1 1 Fudan_R_Module_020810 Overview Determinewhatyouwanttheoutputtolooklike AA B A 2 B B Fudan_R_Module_020810 Overview Identifyhowtheinputdat...