converting a character data with colon to numeric data Posted 01-09-2019 05:24 PM (692 views) Hello-, I have this data where the observations are in character with colon in the names: hc_education Associate's degree Bachelor's degree Graduate degree High school diploma/GED...
12.Use SAS functions to manipulate character data, numeric data, and SAS date values. 13.Use SAS functions to convert character data to numeric and vice versa. 14.Process data using DO LOOPS. 15.Restructure SAS data sets with PRO...
There remains, however, the danger of data being lost in the conversion process. This type of error is most likely to occur in cases of character-to-numeric variable conversion, most especially when the user does not fully understand the data contained in the data set. This paper will ...
10.Modify variable attributes using options and statements in the DATA step. 11.Accumulate sub- totals and totals using DATA step statements. 12.Use SAS functions to manipulate character data, numeric data, and SAS date values. 13.Use SAS functions to convert character data to numeric and vice...
PROC IMPORT做的事有:(1)扫描你的data file(默认20行),并自动决定变量的数据类型(character 或 numeric)。(2)给字符变量分配长度(assign lengths to the character variables) (3)可以识别一些特殊的日期时间格式(如DATE11.)。(4)将连续的delimiters 看作事一个缺失值(missing value)。(5)将引号包围起来的部分...
data work.square; dox=1to5by2; y= x**3; output; end; run; proc print data=work.square; run; 2. DO UNTIL语句 DO UNTIL语句重复执行DO循环中的语句,直到条件为真。DO UNTIL语句的基本形式如下: DO UNTIL (表达式); ...SAS语句...
使用DATA步读取外部文本文件中数据时,需要给SAS提供读取原始数据所要求的特定信息,例如原始数据的位置、数据集变量和类型,以及SAS如何读取数据等。SAS会根据这些信息创建数据集。 读取原始数据文件并创建SAS数据集之前,需先检查原始数据文件,确定要读取的数据值在原始数据记录中的格式,并基于这些信息选择读取数据时使用的...
Case 1: Numeric to Character Presentation When data are coded in numerical, we would like to display it in characters in Frequency tables. Syntax: Proc Format; INVALUE sexfmt 1=1 2=2; VALUE sexfmt 2='Male' 1='Female';run; proc freq data=adsl order=formatted; ...
程序211234567891011121314data convert;input (A B C)($) x1-x3 y z;array nums* _numeric_;array chars* _character_;do i = 1 to dim(nums);if numsi=999 then numsi=.;end;do i = 1 to dim(chars);charsi = propcase(charsi," '");end;drop i;datalines;RON 48、jOhN mary 1 2 999 ...
4:data values 1-->numeric values, store in the float-point format. 2-->character value, a sequence of characters. tricks: 0023的数据会被当做23读入, 读取数据不会储存空白区域。 想要将读入的字符全部大写显示,可以使用CAPS system optionor the$UPCASE informat. ...