set sashelp.class; if _n_ lt 6 then age=_n_; age1char=put(age,2.); age2char=strip(put(age,2.)); x=length(age1char); y=length(age2char); run; 0 Likes data_null__ Jade | Level 19 How to convert numeric values to characters without adding blanks Posted 11-07...
I have table in SAS like below: data type: ID - numeric TYPE - character IDTYPE 111{"Top":10} 222{"abC":"false","Top":111, "aa":5} 333{"Top":15.2} ... And I need to create new column "COL1" base on column "TYPE" where I need to extract value whic...
data dup; set adhb; by id ass_yr ass_mth fields; if first.ass_mth and last.ass_mth then delete; run; #Dataset relates to Health Records ass_mth-assessment month ass_year--assessment year fields-just to mention how many fields used id --character field Rest of the variables are numer...
Formats are how SAS displays values or in the case of PUT and related functions creates values from a given variable/value and provided format. Warning: If you start doing any calculations with those numeric variables defined with length 3 anything other than integer arithmetic with...
Converting a JSON File to a Data Frame To convert JSON file to a Data Frame, we use the function. For example: library("rjson") newfile <- fromJSON(file = "file1.json") #To convert a JSON file to a data frame jsondataframe <- ...
Cannot convert 'System.String' to 'System.Boolean' Cannot convert DT_NTEXT to DT_STR Cannot create a debug host for the package - SSIS 64 bit error Cannot create an OLE DB accessor. Verify that the column metadata is valid. Cannot create Integration Services Catalog Cannot deploy packages to...
Cannot convert 'System.String' to 'System.Boolean' Cannot convert DT_NTEXT to DT_STR Cannot create a debug host for the package - SSIS 64 bit error Cannot create an OLE DB accessor. Verify that the column metadata is valid. Cannot create Integration Services Catalog Cannot deploy packages...
When accessing a field like the SSN that may have leading zeros, one needs to use the "valuesAsStirng" property and that property will convert the field value into a Sting type of value and that value will have a length. Note that the fields line SSN, Phone Number, Pos...
When accessing a field like the SSN that may have leading zeros, one needs to use the "valuesAsStirng" property and that property will convert the field value into a Sting type of value and that value will have a length. Note that the fields line SSN, Phone Number, Pos...
“filename” to mean both pathname components (which are officially filenames) and entire pathnames. Neither pathname components nor full pathnames can contain the NUL character (\0), because that is the terminator, and pathname components also cannot include “/”; those turn out to be the...