代码语言:txt 复制 %macro create_macro_variable(var_name, var_value); %let &var_name = &var_value; %mend create_macro_variable; 调用宏:使用%create_macro_variable语句调用宏,并传递参数(如果有)。例如,下面的代码调用了上述定义的宏,并创建了一个名为"my_variable"的宏变量,其值为"Hello, World!
默认去双尾空白,其他效果和symput一样 随后一个参数表示宏储存的位置'L'=local 'G'=global TheSYMPUTroutine and theSYMPUTXroutinecan only create a local macrovariable if alocal symbol table already exists.If nolocal symbol table exists when the SYMPUT routine or SYMPUTX routine executes,it will creat...
the value of the macro variable (a text string) is substituted into SAS code (where the macro variable was in the code), and this substitution of macro variable value into the code MUST produce valid working legal SAS code.
宏又分为macro 1和macro function. 如何自己定义macro function还没搞懂。 1.宏变量 A macro variable does not belong to a data set, and its value is always character. This value could be a variable name, a numeral, or any text that you want substituted into your program. (宏变量不属于数据...
Why not just use the values directly from the TABLE1 instead of making a macro variable? proc sql noprint; create table subset as select * from table2 where abc in (select abc from table1 where abc is not null) ; quit; 0 Likes Reply sasmom Fluorite | Level 6 Re: Creating macro...
/*6.1b using symputx to create a macro variable*/ /*生成宏变量jane_age,取值为Data步生成的数据集age中的变量age的值*/ data age; set sashelp.class (where=(name='简')); call symputx('jane_age', age); run; %put &=jane_age; /*生成宏变量jane_age,取值call symputx语句中所赋值的hah*...
CALL SYMPUTX(macro-variable, value <,symbol-table> );默认去双尾空⽩,其他效果和symput⼀样 随后⼀个参数表⽰宏储存的位置'L'=local 'G'=global The SYMPUT routine and the SYMPUTX routine can only create a local macro variable if a local symbol table already exists. If no local symbol ...
• Create the macro variablein aDATA step withCALL SYMPUTXwhen the global symbol table is specified. • Define a global macro variable with theINTO clauseon thePROC SQL SELECTstatement. Where and When they can be used? You can reference global macro variables throughout the SAS session in ...
%letvar2=local macro variable2; %putinside macro: var1=&var1; %putinside macro: var2=&var2; %mendcreate_local2; %create_local2 %putafter macro: var1=&var1; %putafter macro: var2=&var2; 日志文件: 宏变量存储 宏变量是存储在Symbol Table中,全局的宏变量存储在Global Symbol Table中(可...
/*方法2: macro variable*/ proc sql noprint; select catx(' = ', cats(AVISITN), quote(cats(AVISIT))) into :fmtlst separated by ' ' from demo order by AVISITN; quit; proc format; value vs2t &fmtlst; run; 通过CNTLIN=选项创建。