In this example, you invoke SAS on a UNIX operating environment on September 20, 2001 (the librefs DEPT and TEST are defined in the file) with a command like the following:sas program-name -sysparm dept.projects -config /myid/config.sasMacro variable SYSPARM supplies the name ...
%DOmacro-variable=start%TOstop<%BYincrement>; text and macro language statements %END; 其中macro-variable为宏变量的名字; start为循环的起始值; stop为循环的结束值; increment为每次增长的步长,若不到指定默认为1。 需要注意的是,%DO迭代只支持整数,不支持小数。因此start,stop,increment只能是整数,如果是...
SAS在执行阶段之前并不知道数据的具体值是什么,而知道的时候又通常太晚了。 CALL SYMPUT可以使鱼与熊掌兼得。 赋值单个宏变量的一般形式: CALL SYMPUT ("macro-variable", value); 在引号中的macro-variable可以是新创建的,也可以是已有的;value是要赋给宏变量的值,可以是变量名,也可以是引号内的常量。 CALL ...
%letgl_var1=global macro variable1; *2. Use CALL SYMPUT in DATA Step.; data_null_; callsymput('gl_var2','global macro variable2'); run; *3. Use INTO Clause in PROC SQL; procsqlnoprint; selectcount(*)into: gl_var3 fromsashelp.class; quit; %putgl_var1=&gl_var1; %putgl_v...
I know with a character variable in SAS, you want to define the length first otherwise it'll have the length of the first value. I wonder if this is something that'll affect macro vars as well? I'm just talking about normal variables like a counter in a do loop. I'm ...
可以利用SASHELP这个library当中的view - VMACRO来验证: %let nobs = 19; %macro chgNObs(); %let nobs = 20; /* search for all macro variable that has name NOBS and put its scope and value */ data _null_; set sashelp.vmacro;
因此,为了与SAS Language进行区分,Macro Language有特殊符号标记。 具体到Macro Variables和Macro Programs来说: 要使用Macro Variables,要在其名字前加“&”。例如“&age”,表示使用age这个Macro Variable; 要写Macro Programs,所有相关的语句、函数等都需要加“%”。例如“%IF”,表示是Macro中的IF语句。
SAS_MACRO_简介 SASMACRO简介 西南财经大学统计学院 目标 •使用系统(或自动的)macro变量•创建和使用用户定义的macro变量•定义和调用macro程序块•定义和调用带参数的macro程序块•Macro程序块的if、do使用 SASMacro语言 用于字符串操作的第二SAS编程语言 使用系统macro变量 问题:PROCPRINTDATA=DEPTSALE;TITLE...
I have the need to create a variable name with a space and add a macro variable to the end. I'm having a bit of trouble with the syntax. I have really...
Macro To Put Variable Labels Into A SAS® Data Set From A Crosswalk TableOftentimes, SAS(R) programmers encounter SAS(R) data sets entirely without variable labels, just variable names. If corresponding crosswalks exist and the task is to put variable labels into these data sets, then this ...