proc datasets lib=chapt2;/*逻辑库所在位置*/modify income;/*更新数据集名称*/index create dtefit=(flightid fltdate)/nomiss unique;/*dtefit代表索引名称,flightid fltdate代表两个变量名称,复合索引*/quit;data profit;setchapt2.expenses;setchapt2.income key=dteflt;/*按索引查找相同的内容,然后组成同...
PROC IMPORT DATAFILE = 'D:\MyRawData\South.csv' OUT = southent REPLACE; PROC IMPORT DATAFILE = 'D:\MyRawData\North.csv' OUT = northent REPLACE; RUN; * Create a data set, both, combining northent and southent; * Create a variable, AmountPaid, based on value of variable Age; DATA...
You can upload SAS data set metadata into Oracle LSH to create a Table with the same structure as a data set in an integrated external system. The system creates Table Columns with the same data type and length as the variables in the data set.
*Create a SAS data set named distance; *Convert miles to kilometers; DATA distance; Miles=26.22; Kilometers=1.61*Miles; *Print the results; PROC PRINT DATA=distance; RUN; 运行之后,SAS的日志窗口会产生一个类似这样的日志: ① 说明了你使用的SAS版本和site。 ② 是原始的SAS程序语句 ③ 说明了数...
If you want to execute a DATA step but do not want to create a SAS data set, specify keyword _NULL_ as data set name; data _NULL_ ; Automatic Naming: If you do not specify a SAS data set name or using _NULL_ in DATA statement, SAS automatically creates a data set with the name...
proc sql noprint;create table test3asselect*,(weight*0.45359237)/(height*0.0254)**2asbmi from sashelp.class having bmi>20;quit; Output 4. 数据集的拼接 数据集的拼接有两种,竖向拼接和横向拼接。 4.1 竖向拼接 在Data步中,竖向拼接使用set语句。由于竖向拼接不涉及变量的匹配选择,所以set语句使用起来还...; quit; /*查看不能匹配的原因*/ data city1;set stroke_com(keep=city);run; data city2;set adcode_nodup(keep=city);run; data city3; set city1 city2;run; proc sort data=city3 nodupkey;by city ;run; 例子6 /*使用union 合并*/ proc sql; create table city4 as select ...
服務SAS 會使用儲存體帳戶金鑰加以保護。 服務 SAS 只會委派其中一個 Azure 儲存體 服務中資源的存取權:Blob 記憶體(包括 Data Lake Storage 和dfs端點)、佇列記憶體、數據表記憶體或 Azure 檔案儲存體。 如需服務 SAS 的詳細資訊,請參閱建立服務 SAS (REST API)。
SAS data set names and file names When creating SAS data sets, do not use these names: _NULL_, _DATA_, _LAST_. The maximum length of a data set name is 32 bytes. The first character must be an English letter (A–Z, a–z) or an underscore (_)....
Always use HTTPSto create or distribute a SAS. If a SAS is passed over HTTP and intercepted, an attacker performing a man-in-the-middle attack is able to read the SAS. Then, they can use that SAS just as the intended user could have. This can potentially compromise sensitive data or ...