'-fullstimer', '-nodms', '-stdio', '-terminal', '-nosyntaxcheck', '-pagesize', 'MAX', ''] Try running the following command (where saspy is running) manually to see if you can get more information
Personally, I don't want to start a full SAS session if I just want to browse an old program, dataset or output. Therefore, I have associated the .sas, .sas7bdat and .lst file types with the SAS Universal Viewer (see https://support.sas.com/downloads/...
In case the dataset had value labels, we could bring those in# user set with user defined missing values and labels import pyreadstat df, meta = pyreadstat.read_sav("/path/to/file.sav", user_missing=True, apply_value_formats=True) print(df) >> test_passed "passed" "not passed" "...
When posting a question, it helps people help you if you either post code to make an example dataset that illustrates the problem, or use a sashelp dataset that we all have. Also you want to post the simplest example of your problem that you can create, so for a question about graphing...
use "D:\mydata\myStataFile.dta" You can also click on the "open file" icon and select your dataset. Save the dataset newer to "D:\mydata\": libname in "D:\mydata\"; data in.newer; set new; run; save "D:\mydata\newer.dta" To overwrite the dataset newer if it already ...
Since SASHELP is a library dataset, it’s not in a SAS data file (sas7bdat). This means that we must save it to the proper format before downloading the data file. To do this, just run the SAS program: %Let username = your_username; Libname out "/home/&username/sasuser.v94/"...
The following definition would work as well: data lkhobj3; input _id_ $ _function_ $ _sense_ $ _dataset_ $; datalines; f loglkh3 max logdata ; proc fcmp outlib=sasuser.myfuncs.mypkg; function loglkh3(x, sigma, mu); return (- log(sigma) - 0.5*((x-mu)/sigma)**2); end...
By using Data Step code, the variable names, lengths and types can be manually specified at the time of import. The advantage is that this allows you to format the dataset exactly the way you desire as soon as it is created in SAS, rather than having to make additional modifications later...
Since the ability to convert the SAS Dataset 4 SAS Global Forum 2007 Applications Development to an MS-ACCESS database is fairly simple, we turned to MS-ACCESS to create data entry forms that are very user friendly in a number of ways. First, the data entry forms are very easy to ...
Yea they are SAS datasets I create with a different code, they all have the number of columns and rows but also different values. Your last post gave me an idea whereby I manually create a new dataset with exact number values in "a": var1 var2 1 2 3 4 with the same number of ro...