o or O processes the second and third arguments once rather than every time the COMPRESS function is called. Using the O modifier in the DATA step (excluding WHERE clauses), or in the SQL procedure, can make COMPRESS run much faster when you call it ...
The length of a new variable is determined by the first reference in the DATA step, not by data values. In this case, of Type is determined by the value Fixed. The LENGTH statement is in the wrong place; it must be read before any reference to the variable in the DATA step. Count+...
SAS has the ability to read raw data directly from FTP servers. Normally, you would use FTP to download the data to your local computer and then use SAS to read the data stored on your local computer. SAS allows you to bypass the FTP step and read the data directly from the other com...
除了可执行(Executable)和声明性(Declarative)语句,SAS DATA step语句还可根据其具体功能进行分类: 基本DATA步程序样式如: 程序以DATA语句开头,为SAS数据集,视图或程序提供名字。 DATA <data-set-name-1 <(data-set-options-1)>> <... data-se...
SAS中_N_代表:_n_是data步的自动变量,_n_表示观测的序号。通俗一点就是“表格的第几行”。_n_不在数据集中,但可以用一个变量来表示——就是“t=_n_;”。SAS(全称STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SYSTEM,简称SAS)是全球最大的软件公司之一,是由美国NORTH CAROLINA州立大学1966年开发的统计分析软件。SA...
data _null_; x="ABabISEFjdABCD"; y=compress(x,"A","l"); put y=; run; 结果:y=BISEFBCD 5.CAT 【功能】:拼接字符串 【语法】: CAT(A,B): 拼接字符串A和B并保留首尾全部空格(同A||B)CATS(A,B): 拼接字符串A和B并去掉首尾全部空格(同strip(A)||strip(B))CATX("x",A,B): 拼接...
CASE C. WHERE D. 不记得了,是个不相关的选项 我选的 where 语句 5. A data set has 300,000 observations, 20 character variables, 50 numeric variables, 我们需要 其中的 5 character variables 和 7 numeric variables,which is most efficient: A. DROP= option in data step B. KEEP= option in ...
1、SAS数据步导入数据终极汇总经典,一看就会 一、将数据录入SASDATA Step / Viewtable 1.Internal raw data- Datalines or Cards 命令; 2.External Raw data files- Infile 命令 + Input 命令;二、将数据文件读入SAS DATA Step / PROC IMPORT 1.将SAS文件读入SAS data sasuser.saslin; 2、; set "F:sas...
SAS宏条件联接是一种在SAS程序中使用%IF%THEN%ELSE语句进行条件连接的方法。它允许根据特定条件执行不同的代码块,从而实现更灵活的数据处理和分析。 SAS宏条件联接的语法如下: ``` ...
five d. six Correct answer: a When it encounters a DATA, PROC, or RUN statement, SAS stops reading statements and 2. 2 executes the previous step in the program. The program above contains one DATA step and two PROC steps, for a total of three program steps. 3. What type of ...