case when语句是用else决定剩下不在判断语句里的值作为统一处理,end结束判断 case when 在end结尾处加一个as语句,造出一个新的字段,这个方式是进行新的统计的常用手段,如下 procsql;selectproduct,casewhenproductin("Baked potato chips""Barbeque potato chips""Classic potato chips")then'chips'whenproductin("E...
CASE WHEN语句常用于数据转换、条件过滤、聚合计算等场景。 SAS到SQL的代码转换示例 假设我们有一个SAS代码片段,用于根据某个条件对数据进行分类: 代码语言:txt 复制 data example; set input_data; if age < 18 then category = 'Child'; else if age >= 18 and age < 65 then category =...
我有一个案例陈述,比如: case when invoice_net_amount <= 50 then '1. <= 50' when invoice_net_amount > 50 then '2. > 50' when invoice_net_amount > 250 then '3. > 250' when invoice_net_amount > 500 then '4. > 500' end as user_revenue_tier 问题是 浏览2提问于2020-11-17得...
case when Brand not in ('CD') then count(distinct Brand) end So when BRAND is equal to 'CD' you will get a missing value and otherwise you will get the number of distinct Brands, including the 'CD' Brand. If instead you use this construction: count(distinct case when Brand not in...
1 "case when" going wrong 0 SQL Case statement conditionals 0 How to create a case when query to return a result in a table 0 SQL how to add a column to case when 0 problem with conditions in case when in SAS Hot Network Questions Terrible face recognition skills: how to im...
Proc SQL: Case When SAS Day 16: Proc SQL 1: Case When Problem: Suppose we need to merge the SDTM.VS (Vital Sign) dataset withSDTM.SE(Subject Element) for Epoch Infomation. We will assign the EPOCH to VS if the VSDY is between SESTDY and SEENDY....
Although the LENGTH statement in SAS is simple to use, what's going on behind the scenes is more complex, especially with respect to numeric variables. Understanding what happens when you specify the length of a numeric variable is essential for making informed decisions. SAS stores the value ...
CASE WHEN语句是一种在SQL查询中使用的条件表达式,用于根据条件返回不同的结果。在同一行返回结果的情况下,可以通过以下几种方式改进CASE WHEN语句: 1. 使用嵌套CASE WHEN语...